Electric Blue

Aug 06, 2005 04:14

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/Image6.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

*First and Middle Names? Britney Renée
*Birthdate? 3/17/90
*Age? 15
*Zodiac Sign? Pisces
*Sibilings? Nope, only child :)
*Location?(City and State) Dover, NH
*Lived anywhere else? Nope, I've been here all my life, it's kinda boring.
*School. Grade and Name of School? High School, 10th grade, Dover High
(If you arent in school anymore, what do you do?)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/Image7.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

*George Bush? I believe he can do better with some of the choices he's making, so no, I don't think he's the right choice for America
*Running Away? I wouldn't run away, I couldn't stand knowing I was leaving my friends behind.
*Same Sex Marriages? I'm for gay marriage. I'm straight. but if the same sex loves each other, no one should be stopping them from getting married.
*Teen pregnancy? I don't think you should have sex until your married. But if you choose to, use protection.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/Image8.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

*Movie: umm.. lol it's really hard to choose...but probably..Charlie and the Chocolate factory and FINDING NEMO! as of right now :)
*Book: Speak, it's a really good book!
*Song: Helena
*Color: Electric Blue
*Article of clothing(supply a picture if you want):Jeans and a t-shirt, because they're comfy :)
*TV Show: Family Guy!
*TV channel: Comedy Central
*Store: FYE
*Perfume: Tommy Girl, Or Coconut Lime Verbena
*Boy and Girl Names: Kaylee Marie for a girl, Ryan Michael for a boy

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/Image9.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

*Britney pregnant or not? Defiantly
*Christina Dirty or not? well that's how she appears, but it may not really be who she really is.
*Jessica with or without Nick? Jessica with Nick, they love each other, they belong together :)
*Ashlee's hair blonde or black? I think it looks good black :)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/ashlee1.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"> or
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/Sammeh/pspprojects/ash.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
*Long or Short hair? Long
*Love or Lust? Love
*Being taken or single? Being taken is fun, but so is being single, because you get your freedom
*Flip flops/sandals or sneakers? sneakers, I find them more comfortable :)

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