*First and Middle Names? Sammie Elaine
*Birthdate? 12/21/89
*Age? 15
*Zodiac Sign? Sagitarious
*Sibilings? 1 half sister and another half sibiling (i dont know the sex of this one do to the fact i've enver met either one)
*Location?(City and State) Chesterfield, VA
*Lived anywhere else? No
*School. Grade and Name of School? 10th, Thomas Dale
(If you arent in school anymore, what do you do?)
*George Bush? I think he's a good president and handles his job well
*Running Away? i've wanted to run away for a long time
*Same Sex Marriages? If you're in love with someone i think it's wrong for you to be forbidden to get married b/c your the same sex, although it is aggainst my religion, but those who are homosexual shouldn't be band from marriage
*Teen pregnancy? you get what you ask for...my advice safe sex, or no sex...
*Book:Gossip Girls
*Song:Something More
*Article of clothing(supply a picture if you want):
*TV Show:Laguna Beach & The OC
*TV chanel:MTV
*Perfume:Tommy Girl
*Boy and Girl Names: Anna Marie, Chad Spincer
*Briteny pregnant or not? Oh she's pregnant, i mean isn't it obvious
*Christina Dirry or not? She appears to be, but it's just a look, i mean i can't really say she's 'dirty' b/c i dont know her....
*Jessica with or without Nick? She's with him...she always will be, she's in love with him.
*Ashlee's hair blonde or black? It's natuarlly blonde, it was black, and it's back to blonde again.
*Long or Short hair? on a guy? - short//kinda shaggy
*Love or Lust? love, doesn't every girl want to be in love one day?
*Being taken or single? single
*Flip flops/sandals or sneakers? flip flops..
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