A New Beginning

May 28, 2011 09:25

Hello LJ Friends!

The school thing is almost wrapped up. I have my final grades and convocation is on Wednesday afternoon. Yes, in the AFTERNOON. Pfft. Oh well, I was able to take the afternoon off from work, and David will be able to come. I'm still waiting to see if my mom and brother can make it out.

I'm pleased with my final grades. I did better than I thought I would (but, I'm always wary about getting too optimistic before I see the actual results). Drum roll.....

Yey! So I ended up getting an A in Intermediate Accounting 2. I thought that ship had sailed (and sank off the coast of some lonely island inhabited only by aggressive aborigines). I must have done super well on the final. I'm still a bit blown away by that.

The other good news is that I've won a couple more awards - that makes four total! Those HR monkeys are going to be drawn to my resume like moths to a flame. Watch out, Ms. Human Resource Director.. you're gonna get BURNED. *ttsss* OOH! I told ya!

Uhm... anyway..

The first award was one that I had applied for. It was the one for which my accounting teacher and Mr. Benson wrote glowing references. It wasn't the kind of award I could win with grades alone. They wanted proof of dedication to studies, volunteer work, and good character (ahem). Thanks again, Chris. :D
It's a monetary award, which makes it even better - $1000! I plan on using it to continue my accounting courses in the fall.

The second award I was selected for based on my GPA. It's one of the coveted accounting awards. There are two awards given out, one by the Society of Management Accountants Association (CMAs) and the other by Certified General Accountants Association (CGAs). I was called by the program coordinator and offered my pick of the two. I went with the CMA award, even though I'm planning on going into the CGA program. The CGA award was for $300 and tuition credit - but the coordinator didn't know how much the credit was for. The CMA award was $500 and student fees (which the coordinator said may be transferable to CGA, although I'm not sure how that would work). Since I had to make a decision then and there, I chose CMA. There is an awards dinner this coming Monday that I'll be going to. When I went last year I didn't know anyone there. This time I'll know at least a couple people.

I started my new job this week. There's so much to learn, but it's coming along. I think I'm going to like it.
On my first day my dad sent me flowers. I also managed to snag a desk by the window. I took a quick picture yesterday morning.

It was kind of gloomy out, but you get the idea. We're on the 24th floor of CanWest Global Place at the corner of Portage and Main. The window is looking out west. The two streets you can see are Ellice and Notre Dame.
The picture isn't prefect. I wanted to try to take a better one but someone was already in the office, and I didn't want to seem like a creeper going around taking pictures. Not in my first week anyway. They'll learn soon enough about my eccentricities and then a little picture taking will seem like nothing.

I'll update more about work once I have more of a grasp of what is actually going on there. ;)

I started getting a cold a couple days ago, but it almost feels as if it's already on it's way out. Even so, I'm going to take it easy this weekend, and hopefully be better by Monday. Next week is gonna be a busy one. I'm graduating! :D


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