May 04, 2010 23:34

Term 1 of my program is done. This means I am 1/4 of the way through. Huzzah. These are my marks for the first term.

Course Name - Mark
Financial Accounting 1 - A+
Business Communication 1 - A+
Business Computing - A+
Economics 1 - A+
Business Mathematics - A+
Marketing 1 - A+
Winter 2010 GPA: 4.50
Cumulative GPA: 4.50

Yep. I was a total keener. Even managed to pull off an A+ in Economics. Huzzah!
This will help with my overall GPA as I'll no doubt start slacking off further into the program.

This term I'm taking:
Financial Accounting 2
Business Communication 2
Economics 2
Marketing 2
Business Statistics

I'm hoping that the warm summer weather will help time pass quickly this term. I made the most out of my one weekend off between term 1 and term 2 by heading down to Minneapolis with Kyle, Kels and Wade to do some shopping and site-seeing. It was well worth it. I feel like I've actually had a bit of a break and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.
My schedule this term is pretty good. No 8AM classes, and none that extend past 5PM. I also only have 4 hours of classes on Friday, so that's not so bad.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Must rest my brain - there's more learning to be done tomorrow!
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