School Update

Mar 08, 2010 16:04

My interest in LJ is dying, unfortunately. I rarely update anymore. My attention has been sucked up by social networking sites. Blogs are a thing of the past - the future is Facebook (etc).
I still read people's posts, but I'm pretty bad at commenting. I do read though.. does that help?

Anyway, I got the marks back from all of my midterms. I'm proud of how I've done so far, so I wanted to share.

Computing - 100%
Accounting - 98%
Marketing - 96%
Math - 94%
Economics - 86%

Economics was by far the hardest of the tests. I'm good with anything that has a process (computers, accounting and math), but when it comes to concepts my mind really has to work. Even going over the Econ exam again today gave me a bit of a headache. I argued a couple of the answers on the Econ exam. Economics is really dependent on interpretation, and I think my points were valid. The teacher is going to have a look at the questions and mull over our suggestions and let us know tomorrow. If he gives on those then that will give me 90%. Here's hoping!

I'm going to have to declare my major in the next two days. I've been humming and hawing over it a bit, but I think I've decided to go with Accounting and eventually work my way towards getting my CGA or CMA. That means more courses after this program, but I'll be able to do them part time while working. From what I hear it's the most difficult major, but I think it will challenge me, so that will be good.

So, yeah. That's about all I have to say. Thanks for listening. :P
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