No Money, No Problems

Oct 20, 2009 11:37

Thanks for everyone's comments on my last post. I'm still excited, but now that things are officially in motion I have a lot to think about. My biggest concern is learning how to take notes properly, study and get on a daily schedule - basically everything I've forgotten how to do over the last 10+ years.

I picked up a book that was recommended to me called Becoming a Master Student. I always feel a little embarassed admitting when I'm reading self-help books. I always feel as if someone is going to say, "Oh, so you're going to be a MASTER student, are you? Well, la tee dah". I have a hard time admitting when I don't know something, which I'm going to have to get over if I hope to actually do well in this program. Better to ask a silly question then to pretend you understand when you don't have a clue.

Anyway, I've just started the book, so I don't have much insight into the techniques just yet, but it has information on all everything I mentioned above, and more. I'll read through it and report more later.

I've been spending most of the last week applying for more jobs and trying to find ways to make money.

I've enrolled in a study at Hilltop Research. Hilltop Research tests different products, mostly soaps, shampoos etc, some of which are on the market and some which are not. That sounds a bit strange, testing off-market products, but it's not really new "experimental" ingredients that they're playing around with.
The study I'm participating in is what they call a "gel and patch study". They're testing out six different types of gel on my upper arms (three on each) and two patches on my back. They don't tell you exactly what they're testing but it's some sort of muscle relaxant gel on my arms (it smells like vapo-rub) and the patches on my back are control patches. One is silicone and the other is the common ingredient in body products that usually causes irritation in people who are sensitive. Needless to say, if you have a reaction to something you're removed from the study.

As for myself, I haven't really had a reaction. My arms are completely unaffected by the gels, but there is a bit of redness caused by one of the patches on my back. It's mild though, and my skin is more irritated by the adhesive on the tape that is being used to hold the patches on. That doesn't surprise me, since I get a small rash whenever I wear any sort of bandaid for too long.

The most annoying part of this study is the fact that it's 7 days long and I have to go for re-application four times a day. My appointment times are 9:15am, 1:15pm, 4:45pm and 8:45pm. I'm on day 6 of 7, so I have three more appointments today and four tomorrow. I'll be very happy when it's over and I get my monies. I'm getting $325 for this study, which really isn't too bad considering that if I wasn't doing this I wouldn't be doing anything right now that would be making money. It's a bonus that they're not too far from me (at Confusion Corner).
I'm signed up for another study that's set to start next week. This one is a leg wash, which basically tests to see how dry a certain soap makes your legs. It will last for 5 days, 3 visits a day and pays $180. I'm hoping that some other job opportunities will come up by then, but it's good to have it as a backup, just in case.

I've also signed up for a focus group with a research company next Tuesday. It's a two hour focus group about "visiting the dentist", that's all they can tell me at this point. They pay $75, which is a pretty sweet deal for only two hours of your time. They also provide snacks and drinks. Not bad, not bad at all. This focus group is in the evening, so if anyone else is looking for a couple extra bucks you should give them a call. The company is Pele Research and they're located on Garry St downtown. There are two focus groups, one at 5:30pm and one at 7:30pm (I'm scheduled for the one at 5:30pm). Their phone number is 927-1900.

In addition to being a guinea pig I have been applying for real jobs. I've applied for a term position at a school, which I'm not really too optimistic about but would be the best thing for me right now. It's to start ASAP until end of November, but may be extended until December 18th and pays $19/hr. Sigh. If only.
I also applied for a part time position with 311 (the Winnipeg information line). This would also be a good choice, since the training is full time and will last almost 4 weeks and is regular daytime hours. I would also be able to keep this job while going to school, since they allow you to work as little as 8 hours bi-weekly. It would be the perfect supplement while I'm going to school since I'd be able to work about one 8 hour shift a week without it affecting my EI. The pay isn't bad either. Starting is almost $12, and is going up in January. There is also $1.05 premium if you work evenings or weekends (which I would be).

I may have some other opportunities coming up as well. I've re-registered myself with Office Team (a temp agency which I've worked with before), so hopefully I can get some casual work through there. I had to go in to re-interview and take data entry, typing, Word and Excel tests. My scores were way above average across the board, so that should open up quite a few opportunities for me. I told them I would be willing to take on a full time term position if it was the right one. It wouldn't be worth it for me to go off EI for a full time position at $10 an hour because I'd be losing money. Also, I'm very nervous about cancelling my EI for a temp agency job, because you never know whether the position will be cancelled without notice. It's a tricky situation.

There is one final casual job opportunity that I'm waiting to hear about, that is more flattering than anything else. I was talking to Diane (my old voice teacher.. oh god, do I miss voice lessons), and she told me that Spencer, another teacher who has recently left the Conservatory because he's not happy with the changes they've made (including getting rid of my position) was asking whether I'd be willing to do a bit of administrative work for The Little Opera Company, which he works with as Artistic Director. I told her to pass my information along, which she did and then told me that he's very happy that I'm interested, so hopefully I'll be hearing from him soon.

I'm glad that Spencer thought of me. It will be nice to keep in touch with the teachers from the Conservatory. I not only worked with Spencer as a staff member of the Conservatory, but I took a few classes with him as well. He was the teacher for the choral component of the Advanced Vocal Program that I took a couple years ago. I actually took the choral class twice, since I really enjoyed the experience. Spencer is a total hardass in the class, which I appreciated, since there's nothing that bothers me more than working with singers that aren't serious.

Speaking of singing, I missed choir practice with the new group I'm in last night, since it conflicted with the Hilltop appointments. I like the choir, but it's not the type of group I want to be with long term. Someday I hope to find a group that will be challenging and will sing some serious music. I'm afraid that kind of group would require too much commitment from me once I start school. I would just be holding them back if I wasn't putting in the time that's needed, so for now I'll stick with the community choir. At least that way I'll be able to keep up my choral skills (which is totally different from the type of skills you need as a solo singer) and most importantly, will have a bit of music in my life. I'm also planning on contacting Bev, the director of the church choir I used to sing with, and letting her know that I'd be interested in joining them for the Christmas Pageant, which has some very beautiful music that is just an absolute joy to sing. They didn't have the pageant last year, because they took a year off to rework it. I'm excited to see how it's changed, but I hope they didn't make any major changes to the music. As far as I'm concerned the choir was perfect. :P

Well, that's enough for now. I'm going to make some beef stew and maybe some chili today. I like making a huge batch and then freezing it for later. One day of cooking turns into many meals. Mmm.. hot stew tonight!
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