This isn't what you're used to...

Oct 12, 2007 08:45

I definitely need to inform everyone that the boys ( WITH EYES CLOSED ) ROCK, and made it into the 2nd round of the Bodog Battle of the Bands =D .. congratulate them if you know them haha, they deserve it.. and hopefully all ya'll will make it out to the next one.. Boston again, Weds Nov. 28th.  Mark the date! ;)

So the only thing that sucks was of course the battle was on a Wed. so it was a fun day at school yesterday.. I ended up bailing on my last class..I had had enough, but then go figure.. I woke up, and stopped feeling all sleepy..isn't that how it always works..and then I was movin around and doin shit, so I obv didn't get sleep again. stayed up pretty late last night too, didn't get outta bed this AM til it was time to leave for work, so yeah I'm STILL catching up on sleep.. I'm just gonna pass out on someone else's bed when I go out later hahaha. Nap time! lol.  And tomorrow will be a late night, and so will sunday.. and monday will be too cause I got two fuckin tests to study for. how shitty is that? At least one of em is like t&F, matching, and multiple choice and one of those 3 things we're doing on thursday, the rest will be tuesday.. so some of the info I need to know I've heard about in other classes, so I hope I'll fuckin remember it haha.  And others is just common, so I'm hoping itll be fine, that whether I study a lot or a little I'll do okay.. we'll see, cause its a lot of information. ughhhhhh.

People are still dumb, but that's never gonna change. "We never grow up, we never get old." or however that fuckin song lyric goes. some will be petttttty and immature til they die. ya learn to deal with them, i guess. ha. hmmm next subject, my sister left..made it back to Haiwaii safe, so we'll wait and see what happens with her there.  thanksgiving on a saturday was good, hahaha. I ate more mashed potatoes than I have in a while, especially since my mom's are effing amazing =D.  but yeah hmm, nothin real interesting has happened besides the battle... I dont think I did much interesting shit last week, just hung with nicky-she left tuesday-then had school yesterday, and goin out tonight...aunt&uncle up tomorrow..stayin til weds.. I guess all the "adults" are goin to the casino I'll have occupy my just BARELY under self with something else. ha. and then if they dont go tuesday ill have to be home, cause that'll be their last night here.. i believe they leave earlier weds morning, so i gotta drive my own ass to work hah.  then hopefully home to a good game of homerun derbyyyyyy =D

At least there' something to look forward to next week, RIVERSIDE show the 20th =D (sat.)... but I gotta get past tuesday first, thurs will prolly just be a normal boring day, but tues is gonna blow.. 2 classes, test, class, test. great way to end the day.. hopefullly ill finish early and get to fuckin leave.. its so much easier/faster to get off campus and back home when you leave before 3.. once 3 hits its traffic galoreee, annoying!

well the only other interesting stuff about this past week would be details about the ride to and back from the battle, so maybe I'll do that some other time.. I'm done for now.
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