Feb 23, 2005 21:49
Been feeling kind of better, passed out a couple times, but now I'm good :3
I slept through most of the day, I didn't really wake up in the morning. Sleep is good I guess. Once I woke up, I didn't feel like doing anything, not even get up. Ever have one of those days where you don't even want to get out of bed? Yay.. lieing in bed forever xD I kind of want to get up, but I'm not gonna do anything.. so blah. I dunno, whats the point? I guess maybe something will come up. Meh, not much to do anymore, I don't really feel well enough to really do anything. I kind of wanna draw gifts for people, haven't had any idea's though. I've been going around gaia a little more now. I don't really do anything there except give away gold to people. I haven't seen any of those flying boxes around, or pink links. Most of the time when I'm looking around I get a page not found. I like that fishing game, not much else to do around there. I haven't bought any new clothes in awhile, I don't really think I need any.
I've been feeling so low lately, and I mean my body. I seem to be tired alot. I don't like sleeping anymore x.x;; I have the stupidest dreams. I'm ethier stuck somewhere most of the time, it's about someone, random things just happen, or something bad usually happens. Darn dreams :0 Half the time they don't make sense, or.. I can't make sense out of them. Oh well, they are silly, but sometimes fun. I remember one where I rode a dragon xD It was fun, but then I got stuck in a castle. How old fashioned :3
Yay, short entry ((rolls around))