New years eve x_x;

Dec 31, 2004 18:24

Wow, it's new years eve already o_o;
It's starting off pretty sucky, I'm alone and it's pretty boring. I dunno what I'm gonna do, everyone's been kinda making me paranoid about being alone for new years. Cause there's gonna be alot of drunk people around.. x_.;; Plus there's all these noise's from upstairs I keep hearing, probably just my cat.. or the floor creaking cause it's so old :0 I guess I'll be online, since there isn't much else to do. Though most people are gone somewhere, I'll probably be the only one online :p

Being alone blows, since there's no one around, it sucks doing anything. I've played games by myself, and it gets boring, I've drawn but don't wanna color.. cause I'm lazy. I might just watch t.v, or stay online and look around some sites. I haven't eaten anything yet.. I might go do that ((blinks))
I might write something more once it's 2005. Whoopie, another new year to be wasted :0 I've heard rumors. like something bad is gonna happen in the year 2005, but yeah.. something bad always happens. I haven't watched the news lately, so I'm not really sure whats been happening around the world. Freaking world, something bad is always gonna happen because of people, nature, some kinda germs o_<;; Too many asshole's in the world, not enough good people. Well, there is alot of good people, just not around here I guess. They are scattered around the globe :0 The only way to find them is to travel xD Nah.. I guess there are other ways. I was thinking of going onto msn later, like around 9. Heh.. I was thinking, once it's new years here, somewhere else they are still waiting for it to be midnight :3 Yay, timezones. Nyeh.. I was thinking of listening to music, but then I wouldn't be able to hear whats around me x_x; I'm such a dummy, scared for nothing.
I guess I'ed feel better if someone was around, even online :0 usually no one's on, or if they are, they are busy with stuffs. ((sighs)) It's windy and raining outside. Usually I wouldn't mind it, but it makes so much noise, and since I'm alone.. yeah. It's so dark out, I can hardly even see the rain, but I can hear it. Rain and snow .. just great, everything's gonna be ice soon. I know I'm gonna fall from ice sooner or later, I always do. I've never hurt myself in a serious way, but I don't like falling. Darn weather, why can't it just be snowing >_<;;
I noticed I had this on the friends lock thing. How the heck did it get stuck on that? xD;
My journal must be screwed up too, and it does things on it's own :0
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