(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 21:22

things i like:
-the sun
-warm weather
-the fact that i'm seeing GUSTER tomorrow night at duke
-the fact that i'm touring chapel hill thursday
-my friends
-my car
-my long hair that is getting blonder
-i guess i kind of like my freckles

things that spark my interest:
-prospects/rumors about catholic prom (i.e.: who is asking me)
-a good book (right now, its thank you for smoking)

things that bother me:
-my upstairs being 87+ degrees because my AC is broken
-my allergies sucking really bad because i'm out of my medicine
-being indecisive (as in me, not anyone else..right now)
-movies that claim to be scary but really are not

things that need to happen:
-awesomely bad movie night
-school to be done
-me to be in europe
-guster to be amazing
-friends to be reunited
-people to genuinely love eachother
-people to stop talking shit

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things i cannot change
the courage to change the things i can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
^this has kind of been my motto lately.
love you all.
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