Hockey Weekend USA!!!

Jan 07, 2013 09:54

If you are a hockey fan, two great pieces of news came out of the Hockey world this weekend. The first came on Saturday morning, when the juniors from the USA took the gold away from the Swedes in an intense 3-1 win. Sadly I missed the game. I spent Friday night filming my sister as she hunted ghosts on a battle ship…no, I am not lying. Do I believe in ghosts? Well, let’s say that I am a skeptic, but hey my sister buys it, and I am more than happy to help her out with my film experience. I got home around 1:00 AM, and my plan was to stay up until 4:00 and watch the game. I knocked off about 2:30. I should have had Gabi wake me up, but I didn’t think of it.

The second big piece of news is that the NHL is going to finally start their season. As a fan, this is exciting news! I’m not a fan of Bettman or his tactics, but when it comes to a dispute between big business and their union, I almost always fall on the side of the union. Donald Fehr did a good job holding his own in the discussions, and he did a good job representing his union. Good for you , Donald. Now, let’s get back to Hockey!

The rest of the weekend was spent playing DOA 5, Skyward Sword, and working on the 20 Sided Designs schedule for February. We got some exciting posts coming out in February, the month of love, courtship, cherubim and romance. February is going to be a challenge for a lot of us, since the theme is not something we are used to portraying in our art. It should be a good month, and since we also have Katsukon that month, hopefully we’ll be able to get out there and meet some people, and grow the site a bit.

Uploading pics still isn’t working for me. I haven’t really had time to look at the problem though. This blog is kind of low on my priority list. I spew things out here a few days a week to try to clear my mind. That’s about the long and short of it.

Until next time…

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doa 5, weekend, videogames, etc, blog, skyward sword, hockey

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