Sep 14, 2005 15:48
Well, today was a fucking shit day. I think the only thing good I got out of this day, was Joe burned me the new Coheed cd, I'm soo happy i FINALLYYYYY have it.!!! Buuuhhhahaha!!
But yeah, basically my day turned to shit after lunch. At lunch, me and Meghan and Daniel were laughing and everyhting was fine and shit. It was cool. Then idk, Tim got down to me and I told him I was going to be tutored today by Josh and he flippppeddddd. He fucking pushed the trashcan over with his book, made a big fucking scene and everyones looking at me like oh what happened. I swear to God man, I wanted to crawl into a little hole and die. Tim shouldnt've caused that scene at lunch man. I hate that Cleo and Masood and Dustin and people like that were staring, and I'm sure Meghan and Scotty and everyone was like what the fuck ya know. Idk man, I try to help Tim with his anger and jealousy, and I wasn't trying to make him feel worse, I was just being honest with him. And he flips. so yeah man, idk .. it was awful. i hate seeing him that way. and then i walked away from him to go to 6th, he started flipping out even more cause i was walking away from him but i was gonna be late for class. and fuckin idk, it carried on after 6th, and then in the car with his mom we were fighting, and he was yelling at her, and it was just fucking crazy. and then more of it over the fone when i got home, and finally we worked it out, and he explained to me how elly made him that way, and how she would say she loved him and shit, but fucked him over and cheated on him for 6 months and now hes just scared. so yeah, i guess thats something ive got to help him with and i guess its ok. we're good now, he went off to work until like 10, which im not happy about. oh yeah and then fuck, im on the fone with him, and my mom comes in and bitches that im on the fone all fucking day,a nd bitches about that, and bitches about my cell fne, and just bitches about me and tim having "Depressing conversations"... fuckkkkkkkkk my mom makes me mad as fuck i dont even want to go out and spend my money on her for her bday tmw. why should i? shes beign a fucking dike but im going to anyway cos i still do love her, but she needs to stop being a bitch. then i gotta go spend money on a new house fone. i dropped that shit in the tub while I WAS IN IT!! surprised i dindt get fucing electricuted. i was scared as fuck about that.
anywho, im waiitng for my mom to go to work so i can go do that with john. i guess maybe ill write later or something.