Full on dog tantrum.

May 18, 2009 23:27

Current Mood:

Combatting broodiness isn't easy, especially when I have one of those Baby Reality dolls at the flat. I have borrowed it for the youth club so that the young people can practice at taking care of a screaming infant. It's eerily cute when it is switched off though, which isn't helping my situation very much. I kept it at the flat for safekeeping for a few weeks last year. We sat and watched movies, and I was kinda sad when I had to stuff it in a backpack like some kind of baby killer and give it back to the health store.

To make matters worse, the plastic is infused with a realistic baby smell (you probably know the one - baby powder with a slight hint of pee), and Harry is convinced it is a real human. He growls and barks when I pick it up, he sits and guards it from me when I am in another part of the room, and when I took it away to calm him down, he snuck back into my room to watch it. I put it on the floor to let him investigate and show him it was fake, and he tried to hump it. If I try and pet him while it is in the room, he shows me his teeth. He is curled up in a corner now, glaring at me.

And I havn't even switched it on yet!

I know he is going to be in a strange little dog-strop untill Friday when I have to give it back. He is not going to be happy if a real baby ever comes along.

On an entirely different note, I saw something wierd in the kitchen tonight. it was like a shadow, except the lights were off and the shadow was white. I only saw it for a second or two. I really hope it was my imagination, even though at the same time, wouldn't it be interesting if there was something to the wierd footsteps I hear in the deserted hall and the bad feeling in the car park. It would also explain what Harry was reacting to in the hall last night.

I hate going down in the dark to lock the downstairs door.
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