And the fandom exploded...

Jun 06, 2009 01:23

Yes that is right children,this week's Naruto chapter not only made us go "AWWWWWW!" and "WTF NO WAI" but it also brought WW3 on the Naruto forums,I kid you not it's a bloodshed in there.


Certain shippers were like :ZOMGWTFBBQCANON
Other certain shippers were :ZOMGWTFBBQFAIL
This is me --->

Even though i'm also a certain shipper and would rather eat glass than see the other certain pairing canon,I don't think this is any reason to filp out. So they hugged,big deal. Close friends hug all the time. If a hug ment TRULUB then I must be in love with my parents(gawd Froid would love that) and my friends *is a pimp*
Though I have to admit it was a bit intimate with the white background and touching the neck and all,but these two have gone a looong way since chapter 3,where Sakura said that she hated him. I think the hug was rather sweet and he deserved it dammit! He just saved the entire village for crying out loud!!Well the village is no more,but the people are alive.What I didn't like is that she punched him before hugging him.Um HELLO Sakura,he's like injured and shit,you're a medic,you should know better than that.But I guess It's to be viewed as ~comic relief~. Oh hardy har har.
And doing it in front of Hinata wasn't very nice but I'm glad that Kishi showed her smiling and not getting jealous at all,she's awsome like that ya'll!That's pure love right there,wanting the object of your affections to be happy even if it isn't with you.
I still think they're gonna talk sooner or later about the confession, I mean Naruto isn't THAT stupid to forget it. He just has a lot of things on his mind.

But i'm getting waaay ahead of myself.Let's start from the beginning...

-Naruto walks in the forest tired and alone (because converting evil people is hard work ya know) and then KAKASHI SHOWS UP TO GIVES HIM A PIGGY BACK RIDE AWWW!
-They reach Konoha and they are welcomed by legions of fangirls and fanboys who are all "OMG U ROCK,UR MAH HERO I totally believed in you all along!!That time when I chased you away with a broom? I was just trying to motivate you,yup". But Naruto seems to be in a daze that these assholes FINALLY acknowledged him and DAMMIT I AM NOT CRYING,I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY EYE!!
-Then they all try to grope him,poor boy.
-Aww Hinata stands in the crowd and wipes her tears of joy away *hugs her*
-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAKURA STOP HITTING HIM ALREADY!! Just once i'd like him to stop her,once! Come on Naruto,stop acting like such a pussy!
- It's sweet though,that she hugged him. I still fail to see any romance whatsoever between them.So until I see an actual confession and/or kiss,i'll refrain from freaking out and cursing the hell of out Kishi.
-Anyway the whole village stares at them like a fat kid does at a cake,except Shino and his dad who are awsome.
-Iruka has a flashback of when Naruto was still an outcast and even has a little tear,aww!
- Moar crowd groping and tossing into the air. No doubt they're singing "For he's a jolly good fellow".
-Of cooourse Zetsu was there and watched the whole thing. He's like Akatsuki's personal cable TV.
-Some Anbu guy arrives and tells Shikamaru's hot dad that he's summoned to a council to decide the fate of Middle Earth Konoha.
~Meanwhile back at Akatsuki's bat cave~
Madara: What news do you bring us Tivo..I mean Zetsu.
Zetsu: Well the fight between the Kyuubi brat and Pein had an unexpected turn of events...
Madara: Oh please,who cares about those losers,I wanna know who won American Idol!
-...Did Kishi just make fun of chapter 181?

-These two remind me of Karin and Suigetsu,oh the horror.
- Oh..Poor Tsunade and she's regained her former old body....I hope she gets better!
-Super Secret Council of Geezers: Blah blah we're old blah blah Tsunade sucks blah blah new Hokage blah blah let's screw with everyone LAWLZ blah blah we're REALLY old and fug!
-But before Danzou can nominate himself to be the next Top Model,Shikamaru's hot dad nominates KAKASHI YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY....Not for long *sigh*
-Stupid old people give the title to DANZOU OF ALL PEOPLE!!!!

Shikamaru's hot dad: Kakashi for Hokage,bitchez!!YES HE CAN!
Danzou: No,he's lame! I'M TEH FAIREST OF THEM ALL!
Shikamaru's hot dad: *headdesk*

Now they really do deserve to get killed by Sasuke. And of course Danzou is all:

Oh and the anime fillers are FINALLY over!!!!Yay for Sasuke Shippuuden!


Bleach wasn't as epic as I expected. I mean Soi Fon's bankai is a freakin' rocket laucher which kinda reminds me of Kid's Death Cannon!!! SRSLY KUBO??YOU COULDN'T THINK OF SOMETHING COOLER???

Since this post is too long already,here's a quick recap of the chapter:

Ukitake: NO! Nyah nyah nyah nyah
Barragan and Omaeda: *still playing Tag*
Omeada: *fails at everything*
Omaeda: *wets his pants*
Barragan: NOES!

End of chapter.

Also? I am head over heels in love with Glee! This is the only thing that can make me want it to be fall,fo shizzle. When I have more time after my exams i'll probably make a picspam. Speaking of which I passed my first exam! Barely,but passed. So it's 1 down,3 to go.

epic fail, manga friday, bleach:manga, fandom wank, glee, naruto:manga

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