(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 20:04

It's Manga Friday,here's my thoughts on the latest chapters of Bleach and Naruto and some TV shows.

(short commentary cause nothing really happened)

-Sooo I guess Hitsugaya isn't the only one who is screwed.
-Shunsui and Stark are in the middle of a vicious battle!!!
Srsly if they weren't sworn enemies they'd be BFFs and would go get drunk together.
- Moar Hitsu getting pwned by Halibel,yawn.
- Dammit Soi Fon too?WHAT IS UP WITH YOU GUYS??? She's a captain,shouldn't she have bankai?! GODDAMN USE IT!!
- Ohh Halibel's releasing! DAYMN SHE'S HAWT!! I never expected to see her without her mask,sweet !

Me thinks Kubo got lazy this week. .


-Why must Kishimoto insist on making me miss Team 7 even more? :(
-Nagato wakes up and is like "Damn,that's the last time I do shots before bed!".And he killed the Konoha ninja,big shocker there.Must've been a killer hangover.Get it?
Okay that's not funny.Moving on...
- He goes to ask some guy for food but he's unable to make puppy eyes at him(thanks to the emo haircut) so he actually brings a puppy to do it for him. But the guy is being a douche and refuses,he must've been a cat person.
- I think Kishimoto is trying waay too hard to make us feel sorry for Nagato. I could practically hear the violin! Yes,it sucks but I still think Gaara's had it worse than anyone.And you don't see him acting like God and trying to take over the world! He just went a little insane (and with good reason!).
- Awwww Chibi!Konan is so pretty! She's his ~guardian angel~ I can hear the shippers already.
- Yahiko is typical Naruto and of course even looks like him. "IMMA BE HOKAGE RULE THE WORLD!!" I do like his optimism though,better than emoing all the time.
- Wow so now Kishi is trying to make us feel sorry for him because his puppy got killed? That's such a cheap shot Kishi!
He was probably thinking "Okay, the dead parents thing was so last season and half of the characters are orphans anyway.How to make people feel sorry for him?...I know! I'll kill his dog,that never fails!"

Tiny was cute though,RIP.

We'll see what other source of Pain(pun intended) is in store for us next week.Maybe somebody stole his candy!! NOES!!!

I'm actually surprised I liked this episode.Cause when I first heard there was gonna be a 3rd brother I thought "Jump the shark is right"


But it was very touching and sad (poor kid..) and once again proves that Papa Winchester was a douche. He left his sons alone in a hotel room all the freakin' time and he actually had time to a to a baseball game with this kid?? Seriously?! If I were Sam and Dean I'd be very offended. He never did any of that with them!! Pretty douchey move there,John

~Other shows~
Grey's Anatomy was actually good this week: Bailey's storyline with the dying girl made me cry..*sniff* Poor sick Izzie,but she really shouldn't have faked dying,that was so tasteless.Alex needs a hug pronto and Meredith looked gorgeous in the last dress!The others were meh.
I got tricked into downloading the new episode of Lost which turned out to be a stupid recap,ugh. They promised no breaks,those LYING LIARS WHO LIE!!
Heroes is boring and i'm concidering dropping it.

manga friday, review, supernatural, epic fail, grey's anatomy, bleach:manga, heroes, lost, naruto:manga

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