Jul 15, 2005 22:30
wow....majorly long week
worked 8-3 almost everyday...my feet hurt...i am exhausted...almost died.
well...i didnt almost die...but at times i wanted too. i work a 4 hour shift tomorrow...then i get sunday of...then work 8-3 monday thru thursday...then i am off until like august 4th because I AM GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO WITH NATE. so very excited. never been on plane before = pathetic, i know, but what can ya do? hopefully i don't totally freak out. i hope the weather in san fran is nice. i heard it is an interesting place...it is the gay capital of the united states and the city has a large asian population. lol i love how i get all politically correct there. but i am not homophobic or racist...and i definitally didn't want to seem that way.
today i went to the mall with family and nate. i got a new pair of jeans from wet seal which i LOVE. (also got two t-shirts lol) me and the fam went to nicole's ms. hermantown pageant (sp?). she didn't win, but definitally should have. don't even get me started.
should go to bed now...work at 10 tomorrow...then playoff soccer game against jessi's team. should be interesting. hope i don't make an ass out of myself like last time. that tends to be my trademark...getting too worked up and being dramatic. oh well...i'll just hope for the best
can't go without a quick reflection....
-----> life is so hypocritical. i am...everyone is. i wish i wasn't. i am now...hypocritical about how i handle my relationships. its so hard to find the balance. i am sorry...but i have failed at it just as you did...so don't hate me too much for it. i will try to be better. i still love you. always will. even if things aren't like they used to be.
*life changes people...its hard to find yourself wishing to go back, but not wanting to give up what you have now, in the present. i guess there is no happy median. you work around the changes together, or move on apart. that scares me...cuz i still need you, even if you don't think so. i wonder if you still need me?
okay...seriously getting some sleep. i miss people from school :(
i love you all
xoxoxo kate