Apr 06, 2007 12:06
Disclaimer: this does not have to do about Apex...just life in general!
So i read a quote a week ago...success is journey, not a destination
Then today, i read one of my friends profiles, and saw...It's not about the journey, it's about the destination.
Both of these make sense in their own ways, but which one is truer? It doesn't matter where you start and what you go through getting there, its where you end? Or it doesn't matter where you end, it what you go through getting there?
ps. i just aced a music history exam. will score much higher than the 57 from the last one. :-)
pps. since i have been driving to class b/c of my lower foot situation (thanks julia!) i have already racked up $25 in parking tickets. What is with me thinking i can get away with putting one quarter in for 20 mins when I have a 2 hour class? Or parking in the lot outside Kent until 9 when they start ticketing at 8. But I did get away with it a few times so I guess it evens out. And done