RP Log with learninghearts | Girls Night In

Jun 04, 2010 16:35

Serena giggled as she poured another pina colada for her and Aimee. She only just missed tipping it all onto the coffee table as the giggle turned into a snort and that just set her off giggling harder. The eighties movie fest had turned into a bad eighties porn night with Aimee bringing a few extra surprises, and Serena just couldn't stop laughing. There were moustaches, wah-wah guitar, pizza delivery boys and of course pool cleaners. They were onto their second bag of Gummi Bears, and Serena was just grateful that she spent most of the time looking after herself and her body otherwise she'd be seeing the Bears go to her hips.

She cupped her boobs after setting the jug down, and looked at Aimee. "Do you think if I pray hard enough any weight I actually put on might go to my boobs? Just sometimes I feel like they could be bigger. Even if Chris has a thing for my lavender bra. And my lemon bra. I think his hands make the best bra. Hey, what do you think D's hands would feel like holding your breasts?"

Aimee was giggling non-stop and it had turned into a sort of teary, dribbling mess when she tried to take a sip of the refreshed cocktail. "Weight? Fuck off, weight! No way is having a bit of fun is going to turn you into Jabba the Hut. Dr C will still like your squishy bits anyway. I know. You know how I know? 'Cause I saw his razor and toothbrush in your bathroom. That's serious shit. Serious, serious serious shit. You know? And... and..." she added with a point with her glass for emphasis, "You left him an Oreo. In your jar. There is only two left. One each. You didn't even mean to do that, and that's serious shit too. You lurve him." She stopped and her face turned dreamy for a moment as she brushed her thumb against her chest. "Mmm... warm..."

Serena tried to stop giggling but she was still giving intermittent giggles as she tried to take a breath and focus on what Aimee was talking about. "Serious. So, so serious. I don't share my Oreos with just anyone. I really don't. And you know what? I got my underwear at his place. And he let me wear his lucky red boxers. His lucky boxers. They bring him luck... M'crazy about him. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Oh my god, what is that guy doing to that poor girl?!" Serena leaned forward as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes trying to figure out what kind of position they were in. "You want him so bad. I think you should just talk to him! Rip off the sexy band-aid."

Aimee pointed again, snorting as she tried to stifle a laugh. "You're underwear obsessed. Bras and boxers and underwear. You need something more important to focus on. Like his toothbrush. He has a Superman toothbrush." She was giggling even more at this, pressing her lips together so she didn't start laughing out loud. Dr C's toothbrush was blue with a Superman logo. She thought it was cute when she first saw it in the bathroom, now it was just hilarious to her tipsy brain. She couldn't even look at the porn or it would be the end of her. She nodded with over-emphasis and took a sip from her drink, managing to swallow without dribbling it down her front this time. "I wanna bite his ass. I wanna walk around with my hands on it. I wanna rub my hands over his face and feel his skin. I wanna see his butt in jeans. I wanna know how big his cock is, and if he's cut. I wanna feel his balls. How do I want all this when I don't even know him?"

Serena made a whoosh noise as she moved her hand through the air. "He's definitely not faster than a speeding train. He takes his beautiful, hot, naked time. And I'm not obsessed, I'm just honest. There's always underwear involved, but he does have a Superman toothbrush. It's so cute. He's Superman, only way hotter. I kind of want to have a Superman logo tattoo, but GC in the middle. I feel like going in there to brush my teeth with it... Share our cooties." She rubbed her nose before she picked up her drink and took a sip, eyes back on Aimee and off the porn. "Because attraction is a powerful thing. Sometimes you just have to go with it. Chris dared me to spend a day walking around with my hand down his scrubs, and on his balls. I feel like taking him up on it. I just need an explanation for Proctor. You should walk around with your hand on Dave's balls... He does have a great ass."

"I wanna get laid. I'm so fucking horny, it's not even funny," Aimee declared and blew her hair out of her eyes when it flopped into her face. "At least you're getting the lay. I'm not getting the lay. I have no Superman toothbrush in my bathroom. I had a fucking asshole in my bathroom who cheated on me. I have to remind myself how awesome hot, exciting sex is. He might not even want me, you know. You can have free reign with C's balls because he wants you to, but we don't even know if Dave wants me anywhere near his balls. He might not want to. He might want to find some other non-plastic Miami chick. I'm just in lust because he's so hot and Jane on the Beta team says he's a sweetheart. Good with babies. Totally sat and just took it when this little girl held his hand when her mom was in surgery with you guys. I'm a stalker. It's official."

"Chris would watch us if we were gay. I told him I'd watch him and Dave. So there's an option for you. A little girl on girl," Serena suggested with a waggle of her eyebrows before she started to giggle. "Fuck the asshole. He's someone else's problem now. Let's stick with the exciting sex, and Dr D. I think he wants you. He thinks you're gorrrrrrgeous. He'd totally bite your ass back. You just need to let him know you're interested. Take a risk! I did with Dr C. If we get found out, his job is at risk, but his toothbrush is still in my bathroom." Serena took a sip of her drink and then her bottom lip started to tremble. "Awww, babies! That's so cute. He's definitely a keeper if he's good with babies. You're a cute stalker, and that's all that matters."

Aimee rested her tongue on her lip, her mind automatically turning to gay porn with Chris and Dave. It was all it took for her not to drool and she had to blink slowly when her brain tried to force her further into the tipsy daydream. "Mm..." she murmured in appreciation before she could stop herself and she took a long gulp of her drink to wet her throat. "But what if he's like C and thinks anything with boobs is gorgeous? I know it all changed with you, but you know what he was like before and... yeah, hey. How did he change? Did you guys just decide to have a good fuck one night? His job could be at risk, so could your residency. What made you do it? And seriously, why would Dave want someone like me? I don't get it. He doesn't work with me, he doesn't know me. I'm just a boring CV resident. I don't even have the exciting rockstars of medicine thing going on. What if he hates stalkers? You know what? I bet they're cute drunks. I want pictures. I bet they're even cute hungover, while we look like monkeys butts."

"Mm," Serena echoed as her own mind went to the wonderful world where Chris and Dave were gay and hot sex with each other. She wriggled on the sofa and really, really hoped that Chris would come over to hers for lots of drunken groping. "Yeah, but there's general thoughts and then there's person specific thoughts. These were totally perspecific. I mean, person specific. It's you on his mind, gorgeous. It was that easy. Just agreed to a tumble and then the tumble became a ninja regular tumble, and now it's an exclusive thing. He fixed my clicker, Aims. My clicker! He made me do it... I don't know. Just seemed worth the risk. Still does. Why? Why?! Why not? That's a better question. You're hot and smart and cute and a CV resident. That's not boring. Not with Sable. Pfft, rockstars schmockstars. You're a real girl. He digs it. Just talk to him! I know I nearly always feel like a monkey butt hungover. This is going to hurt tomorrow."

Aimee looked into her drink, contemplating Serena's observation and a consideration whether she should still keep on with it entered her mind. But it was gone as soon as it appeared and she shrugged, taking another sip. "We'll be fine. It won't be too bad if we don't mix anything," she said, her drunken brain clearly bursting with smug confidence. "I don't have a clicker! So Dave can't be fixing mine, and what if I never have anything for him to fix? He might get bored. I don't think I have the energy for any ninja tumbling, either. It's different with you and C. He's an adrenaline junkie, and you aren't too far behind. I got fucking fucked over by a fucker. What if Dave thinks I'm rebounding? Because I'm not! I want to be worth it for someone. Worth sticking with and not fucking having their cock tossed off in another direction with bigger tits or wears fucking pants riding up her ass."

Serena patted Aimee's knee in consolation as if not having a clicker was clearly devastating. "Well, he can't fix your clicker anyway. Tha's my thing with Dr C. I love you, but I don't want to share fixed clickers. Maybe he can, like, fix your pipes? Have you got pipes... Or TV. Boys like fixing TVs, right? Or... I don't know. I didn't even know I'd get a broken clicker and then Chris was just there to fix it when I needed him to be. You can't predict broken things. They just break." Serena started to nod, and then just kept nodded until taking another sip was more important. "Pants riding up your ass are so uncomfortable. I had a wedgie while doing surgery the other day. It's something to be able to operate while thinking about pulling underwear out of your ass."

Aimee frowned in thought for a moment, her lips resting on the rim of her glass. "How do you fix a clicker anyone? You know, for future reference in case I ever find myself with a broken one, and then I won't have to ask Dr C to do anything. Because he's your clicker fixer and I..." She pointed to herself, pausing as she lost her train of thought for a moment. "I... have nothing. Not a clicker, not a Dr C, not even a nice pair of boyfriend balls I can play with. Because there's gonna be no chicken counting. Do you know what happens when you count chickens? They shit on you. Dave isn't a chicken, so I can't count him. It's just... he's too good, you know? Right? Too good to be true." She threw her hand up in the air and gulped down the whole of her drink in one go.

Serena shook her head. "Nope, no chicken counting. Pas de poulet!" Her use of French sent her into a massive bout of giggling and she hid her face as she tried to recover before saying it again, and then clucking. "He banged it on the wall. The clicker, not the chicken. Can you believe he just smacked it? It was like this whole cool thing. You know like when Fonzie used to hit the jukebox? He's not too good. You'll never know if you don't just talk to him."

Aimee tilted her head. "I really feel like a chicken burger all of a sudden," she decided and then scrunched her nose up, pulling her lips to the side. "One without a clicker, but. What do you think they're doing? Do you think they're having fun? What do you think Dave's favourite drink is? Does C have one? He likes something really mental like vodka and Red Bull, right? That stuff'll totally fuck you up. I remember the worst hangover of my life on that."

Serena murmured her agreement. "I could definitely go a chicken burger. Can we get chicken burgers delivered? I don't really feel like going out in my PJs even if I look pretty sexy. But it's a PJ sexy. You know? Like sometimes it's just about the comfort. You can look sexy and comfortable. You know what I like about exclusive? Sometimes we don't have to make too much of an effort. It's okay to bum around. He likes beer. And he's had scotch sometimes. It's usually a bad day if he hits that."

Aimee shrugged and made a 'dunno' noise as she topped up her glass. "I don't have sexy pyjamas. They're more like nana jammies, to go with my Bridget Jones undies. Totally unsexy. I've not got a hope in hell of ever getting laid again if any guy seems 'em. I want someone to bum around with. But you know what? I don't think I've ever really been completely happy in an exclusive. Not once. I think I just convinced myself it was right, but there's gotta be better guys out there. Ones that you just can't wait to get home to at night, ones that you sit and think about cuddling when you're having a bad time at work, ones who rub your back when you feel sick, or that you can roll over in bed at night to use as a hot water bottle, and they don't even mind. Or all that in reverse." She pointed to the sofa, as if it was an indication of Serena's whole apartment. "Is he coming back here? I can get a cab, you know. Won't cramp your drunk lay style."

"No, no. Stay. I'll message him. I just... I need m'phone." Serena set down her drink and stood slowly to make her way over to where her phone sat on top of the kitchen counter. "Nana pajamas can be sexy. It's the whole just being you thing. You think these are sexy? Pfft. My tank is stained with god knows what. There's holes in my pants, and my knickers are definitely Bridget Jones type." She pulled them down to show Aimee. "Dave'll like you in anything. I know he will. But we're not counting chickens." She picked up her phone and started trying to type a text but she sent it before she was finished and started another one as she made her way back over to the sofa. She bit her lip as she concentrated, and sent the second finished one before she opened her photo gallery and showed Aimee an image of Chris with his face smooshed into the pillow. "My Lover Boy."

Aimee took the phone and looked at the picture, snorting with a laugh and proceeding to dribble another mouthful down the front of her shirt when she couldn't hold back the giggles again. "How can he even breathe like that? When did you take this? See this?" She held up the phone close to Serena's face. "This is why you can get away with daggy jammies and nana knickers. Because you have an exclusive that doesn't care. Granted, he sleeps like a wombat, but that's still some strong shit right there. And it was just so meant to be because you didn't think it was ever gonna be. That's huge. I want huge!"

Serena kissed her phone before she hugged it to her chest and then looped her arm around Aimee and pulled her into the hug. "He's got special wombat breathing thingies. You can so have huge. Huge is just so huge!"

"Do you wanna marry him?" Aimee felt the urge to ask. She was pissed enough, and horny enough, anything to do with males could come out of her mouth by now. The thing was, she was genuinely curious about Serena's long term intentions with Dr C, if there even was any. Couldn't get more huger than that.

Serena looked at Aimee and then peeled the phone away from her chest to look down at the photo of Dr C. "Yeah, I do. Would. If it was ever a possibility, but I don't think it is. We could be in for long term ninja. Plus his residency's gonna be up. He might not be at MT1 for his fellowship. He might not even be in Miami."

Aimee's mouth dropped open a little. "Oh... yeah..." She watched Serena with wide eyes. "How do you feel about that?"

Serena's bottom lip jutted out in a pout as her shoulders slumped and she tossed her phone down next to her. "I feel like another drink. I really don't wanna think about it just yet. It... It sucks to think about it."

Aimee nodded and bit the inside of her lip. Despite being drunk, it didn't take much of a push for her brain to realise if Chris was in his final year of residency, so was Dave. Was MT1 just a stopover for him to finish the surgical residency? But she was counting chickens, and that was dangerous. She didn't know if Dave would want anything to do with her like that, and Serena obviously didn't want to talk about Chris in that sense. "Fucking chickens," she mumbled and then put her glass back to her lips. When all else failed, extra booze was the only answer.

[ship] chris/serena, [with] aimee lawson, [rp] learninghearts, [season] one, [co-written] learninghearts

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