RP Log with learninghearts | New Faces

Jun 01, 2010 18:59

Aimee was starting to wonder if coming outside to enjoy the sunshine on her lunch break was a good idea. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now half an hour in with the sun beating down on her skin as she relaxed back on the green grass off the court yard, she really, really did not want to go back in to work. She was chilled out, which, admittedly, was what she had needed after her stressful morning. She hadn't been able to turn Serena's offer down to have lunch together outside. They had indulgently shared a bowl of fries drowned in gravy together together, and were now chasing it with frappucinos from the nearby coffee cart. Totally evil lunch, but it definitely lifted their spirits. They had both had crap mornings, and now both had bosses with enough UST between them to sink a ship. They had more than a first year residency in common now. The thing was, Aimee was more than willing to admit that her boss, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dr Helena Sable was more than in need of a good, hard lay, and Dr Proctor really wasn't hard on the eyes. It was a good match, it was just slightly nauseating to witness in stereo.

"Sure you don't want to be spending your break with lover boy?" Aimee soon teased, shooting her good friend a smirk and then waited for any vehement denials. She had suspected for a couple of weeks now that Serena might be seeing someone on the hush, but she respected the fact it might be a covert ninja thing. It was just too much fun to pass up a little teasing now and again. "A bit of a quickie in the back of your Beetle? Which sounds as awkward as all fuck, but good for a challenge yeah?"

Serena sucked on her frappucino and tried not to blurt out any denials. The blurting just made Aimee tease worse. In a way it was hell not to just be able to talk to her about it. To talk to anyone about it, but her and Chris needed to pull off the covert ninja thing. She shot Aimee an innocent look and licked her lips after she swallowed. "What lover boy? I think being around Sable and Proctor is doing your head in. There's no one to have a quickie with in the back seat of my Beetle. And trust me, it really is awkward as all fuck. I tried it a couple times just in case the first time around was more to do with the guy... It wasn't. Or it could have been both the guys. I think it's a case of needing me to be on top but the dude's gotta have the abs for it."

"You just need a guy with flexibility skills. A surfie or something. Or someone who just needs to have you so damn bad that he'll fuck you in a supplies closet if he has to..." Aimee trailed off and huffed out a breath. To be honest, all the UST was making her wish she had a ninja fuck on the go. A month ago, she had come out of a messy, long-term relationship when she discovered the fucker had an extensively wandering eye. She gave him the flick and got a new lease on life. At the very least, it gave her more time with her friends, which she loved, but she missed sex and having a warm body to cuddle up to after a long, hard day at work. "I'm going to get the information out of you sooner or later," she vowed and she was just about to take a mouthful of her drink when her attention was caught by some loud laughter at the coffee cart. She looked over and caught sight of the infamous Dr C trying to grab a sheet of paper off another guy in scrubs, both of them laughing like they were up to something less than innocent. Dr C was eye candy enough, but Aimee's eyes were locked on the other guy... and then the other guy's ass. Luckily she wasn't drinking, or she would've drooled it all down her scrubs by now. "Who is that?"

Serena couldn't help but smirk. She had a surfie, and she had someone that could want her badly enough to at least fuck her without a condom when they were drunk, and to need a quickie on a beer run. It wasn't a supplies closet, but it was close. She cleared her throat as she just shrugged. "I think even if he does want you that bad there's a huge risk at getting caught, and I don't think anyone wants to get walked in on by Chatty Kathy. Or Proctor. I don't need a public sex metaphor from him." She watched Aimee for a moment, her eyes searching her face as she wondered if she would be open to dating Dave. The conversation with Chris was still fresh on her mind, and then the familiar laughter cut through her, and she felt a warmth spread through her body. She couldn't help it. She was now biologically wired to react to him. Her gaze followed Aimee's and she grinned. "That is Dr Dave Tyler. He's a college friend of Dr C's. BFFs and he's single."

The two guys seems oblivious to any audience, both getting their wallets out and chatting away between them, still laughing. They did look close, definitely matey. Aimee had always found something hot about a bunch of lads in a close friendship. They always knew how to have a good time. Her blue eyes were still trained on this Dave Tyler, and she glanced at Chris, too. If they were gay, they would be so hot together. She couldn't help it if she had a bit of a liking for gay porn. But she was soon watching Dave again, finding herself trying to guess what he was ordering, which was a bad habit of hers. She believed you could tell a personality by what people ordered at a coffee place. He also looked to have a really nice bod under those scrubs, even if the attire made it hard to tell sometimes. "Is it just me, or is that way too much hottness to be together in a two meter radius?" she asked, fanning herself a little. She was sure she could sit here and perve on them all day. It wasn't like she hadn't indulged in the Dr C sights before. "Single... is he really? That's... interesting. For want of a good sex metaphor."

Serena's gaze was firmly on Chris, but she soon looked back at her frappucino. It wasn't like she didn't know chicks perved on Dr C. Why wouldn't they? He was hot, he was definitely eye candy worthy. She was just trying to stop any feelings of jealousy and make sure Aimee's attention stayed on Dave. "Mmhmm, very single. He's just come back from LA. He didn't like the women there. Too plastic. Apparently he likes nice asses, women with a sense of humour... Real girls." She nodded as she glanced back over. "Definitely a lot of hotness, no denying it."

Aimee suddenly pointed at her friend with a grin. "Ah-huh! You areseeing someone, and it's serious, too! If it wasn't, you would totally be interested in hitting that too right now. You can't deny it," she said triumphantly and then leaned forward. "Who is it? Is it someone who works here? Wait. He came from LA? Seriously? Where does he work here? I haven't seen him before now. Did he come because of Dr C? Am I even allowed to be perving on him? It seems kind of messy dating a colleague, don't you think?"

Serena started to chew on her straw under the fire of all Aimee's questions, and tried to stay strong. She had to keep the secret. Chris would kill her if she let slip and then Aimee was giving him all these looks like she knew. Only it was burning her up inside to not just be able to talk about it. To share what was going through her mind with someone other than Chris. What if that was their undoing? What if only having each other to talk to would make them implode because there was things they didn't feel like they could say to each other? She let out a frustrated sigh before she pushed her blonde hair back and met Aimee's gaze. "We're exclusive. It was a big decision to agree on it. Especially for him. And there's some crazy involved too, but he needs to go slow with the crazy because it might jeopardise his job... Dating a colleague is messy, but possible. Just gotta know what you're doing. Sure you're allowed to be perving on him. There might have already been talk of you and Dave getting set up. He's on Charlie Team. He applied for the same spot as Proctor and they took him on after we stole Proctor. I think he's here partially because of Chris, and partially because he admitted to being a hometown boy."

Aimee's eyebrows shot up. "Your exclusive is a colleague? Well, I know it's not Proctor. Tuck? Are you dating Tuck?" Chris didn't even cross her mind. He had a reputation, and because of that, she didn't even have mind to wonder if her friend might be getting it on behind the scenes with Dr Deleo. Right now, though, she was just grateful Serena's exclusive wasn't this Dr Dave. This Dr Dave had a mighty fine ass, which looked even better when he leant over to throw the empty sugar packets into the bin. It wasn't sweetner, so he wasn't a full of himself idiot who stared at himself in windows. "Talk of me? Who were you talking to? Have you spoken to him? What's he like? Charlie Team... so, he's one of you guys. That's hot. He's hot. How is he so hot, seriously? I've got no hope. Half of the nurses will be wanting a piece of that by now. Hometown boy. I like hometown boys. They seem to make good snugglers. Unless they're mommy's boys. Do you think he's a mommy's boy?"

Serena nodded slowly before she crinkled her nose, and gave a shake of her head. "I adore Tuck, but it's not Tuck. I really can't tell you. It's... It's a ninja thing. Can you just be okay with that for now? Please? I know it's probably asking for trouble, but I really don't know if he'd be okay with me saying anything, and I can't risk it. But if you pinkie swore and crossed your heart and promised to give me all your gay porn if you let it slip - maybe eventually I can tell you." Serena smiled a little. "Dr C. He is his best friend after all. And he told Dave that I was in a lesbian relationship with Eva just to make sure he didn't try anything on 'his' girls. He's really, really nice. Really sweet. He's a cool guy. I think you'd really like him. I have no idea, but he's way too hot for LA. Of course you have hope! He has a thing against nurses anyway. Nope, not a mommy's boy."

"His girls?" Aimee asked with a slightly suspicious tilt of her head. She looked at Serena, then at Chris, then back again, only to repeat the whole process all over again before her eyes widened just a little. Her mouth dropped open and her pointing finger was hovering in the air a little. Surely not. "His girls...? No... not... you?" She looked again and was really going to continue with that train of thought but her eyes landed on Dave again. He had his scrubs shirt hitched up a little and looked to be unclipping his cell phone or pager from the waist of his pants. She copped a sweeping hint of flesh at his hip and felt a heat creep into her cheeks. He had an amazing smile too. "Think he'll let me go over there and lick that tiny piece of skin?"

"Yes, the girls of Alpha Team. Not like his girls," Serena murmured as she tried to ignore the way Aimee was looking between her and Chris. She was also trying to ignore the sudden urge to fidget, or blush. She wasn't going to give in. She wouldn't be the one to cave. Her gaze suddenly caught Chris' and the corner of her mouth tugged up in a little knowing smile as he winked at her. Goddamn him for being so hot, and cute, and her ninja exclusive. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I'm sure if you ask nicely enough he'll let you lick any part of him you want. You might just have to wiggle your ass for him first."

Aimee's tongue was resting between her lips and she shifted a little where she sat. "I really need a good fuck from a guy who actually cares if I have a clitoris," she complained, trying to eye off Dave's fingers and wondered about their skills. If he sucked with his fingers, she'd settle for a good tongue. "Does your ninja lover have good bedroom skills, or is he just around to help you pass the time? I'm jealous, by the way. Really jealous. I'm not going to push you about it, I get it. It just would've been nice to live out some of my fantasies via you. It's about time you found yourself an exclusive. Hunky Reunion Guy was such a flop. You deserve way better. Me? I just want a bite of that. Look at the ass. How many inches do you think he is?"

Serena moved to sit up straighter and patted Aimee's leg in consolation. "It'll happen, honey. I'm pretty sure Dave will know where a clit is if he's anything like Dr C. Chris just said Dave's more into a relationship than he is. Less with the grass walking. My exclusive has serious bedroom skills. He makes me melt every fucking time. I turn into jelly just thinking about it. I'm sorry, Aims. I really am. I wanted to tell you - I still want to tell you, it's just complicated. Tell me about it. Not to mention PSS." Serena tilted her head as she gazed at Dave's crotch and tried not to check to see if Chris was catching where her eyes were. "Hm... I reckon he'd have to be ten. Look at his fingers. The fingers are always a give away. Oh, and the size of his feet. They look like big shoes, don't you think?"

Aimee was looking at Serena in thought again. She was nervous about finding a way to actually cross paths with Dr Dave, but she was sure she could place herself stragetically somewhere to bump into him and suss him out. Right now, though, she was just burning with curiousity. "If I guess, would you confirm?" she asked and flicked at the straw in her drink. "What size feet does your bed warmer have? It has to have been at least three years since I had anything over seven inches. I miss what it's like with someone well hung. It always seems to hit all the right spots."

"And fits like a glove," Serena murmured. She took a sip of her frappucino through the chewed on straw and gave a nod. "If you guess it, I'll confirm. But I'm serious about you not breathing a word. I really, really can't risk fucking this up. I think it's got the potential to be special, but... you know. It's tricky." Serena wiggled her toes in her shoes. "He's got big feet. Surfer's feet. He's definitely over seven inches... and knows how to use it."

Aimee pointed with her straw to Serena, and then in the direction of their perve subjects. "You're fucking Dr C. I saw the wink," she said smugly. "He's also a surfer and it's no secret he's over seven inches."

Serena nearly choked as she tried to swallow some of her drink, and then attempted to recover smoothly as she set the frappucino down. "Just don't breathe a word!"

Aimee was smirking proudly at her powers of deduction and was about to say something when she caught sight of both Dr Dave and Dr C now glancing over in their direction. She froze a little at the scrutiny but managed to keep her composure and offer a smile in return. She nearly melted into a pool of mush when Dave flashed her a smile in return, in fact, she started to blush and dipped her head to break the eye contact. "My god, he smiled at me!" she hissed and pretended to become extremely intent on the hem of her shirt. "Why are they looking at us, anyway? This is your fault for laying Dr C! Which, by the way, how the hell did that happen?!"

"I was just choking! For all I know they're wondering what the fuck is going on," Serena answered in a husky tone. She cleared her throat to try and shake the sudden feeling of unease before sipping her drink carefully. She glanced up and waved at both the men like nothing was wrong before she smirked at Aimee. "You want him! You're so doomed, and you haven't even spoken to him yet. I love it! You need to make it happen, Aims. You'd be so hot together. It's not my fault for laying him! It's his fault for being so... him. We were just... um, talking and then there was mention of sex and the sex was had and it was amazing, and wonderful, and addictive."

"I can't help it! Look at him! I'm a sucker for a guy with a nice smile. I think it says a lot about them. Even if the smile really looks cheeky. Is that a bad thing? You would know, whenever Chris smiles, everyone feels like they should duck for cover with what's going through his mind." Aimee dug her toes into the green grass, still pointedly not looking at the boys again. She didn't want anyone thinking she was just easy. "How serious is it with you guys? How the hell did you manage to tie the elusive Dr C down to exclusive? I heard about the Calle Cubana incident. The whole hospital did. Where were you when this was all going on? When did the sex happen? Why does everyone think he and Dr Zambrano are heating up the sheets? Do you think he's told Dave? No wonder he told the poor guy you were a lesbian!"

Serena snorted in amusement. "It's really not a bad thing, you know. They're amazing guys. I think the smile just shows you that they're capable of fun. They live life to its fullest. He's really not that scary. I like his smile." She tucked her hair behind her ears before changing her mind a moment later and pulling it back and up into a loose bun to get it off her neck so she could try and catch some of the breeze. "We've been ninjaing it for a few months... We've only just gone exclusive. I have no idea, I just... Well, we almost got into an argument about it but he just agreed when I asked. It's amazing what happens when you just ask. Yeah, I haven't exactly let him forget about that. We weren't exclusive though, so it's not like he owes me anything. I was just at work, and before that - home. It happened after Proctor showed up. Because he wants them to." She pressed her lips together as she looked over at the boys again, and studied them. "I don't think so... No. He was marking his territory."

Aimee just smirked. "I think Dr C is capable or more than just fun. I assume at least some of the rumours are true. To be honest, though, I really did think he had a thing with Zambrano, so it just goes to show how devious he really is. I guess as long as eyeballs are looking in that direction, they aren't looking in yours, are they? A lot of people think he's incapable of the committment thing, that he's just a man slut. But I don't know, he's really great with his patients. He has a caring side to him, I think there's more than meets the eye. As for that Dr Dave. He's going to be an enigma, and I'm not going to be the only one who wants to crack it. He's new blood, he hot, he's mysterious. Look at everyone who was panting over Proctor when he arrived, and it wasn't just the British thing, either."

Serena smiled fondly, but made sure it was directed at the grass and not at Dr C. Keep those eyeballs looking in Eva's direction, and not hers. It still gave her a thrill knowing that Dr C was hers and hers alone. They saw each other's sex faces and had nursed each other through the vomit test. "We've seen each other puke... I made the mistake of not telling him about my birthday, but we're still good. He's not just a man slut. There's a lot that goes on under the surface. Not just under the sheets," she couldn't help but add with a giggle. "So just get in first. Claim Dr Enigma as your own."

"Wow, it is getting serious, isn't it? You didn't tell me you were sick, by the way. I would've dropped by to check on you. Although, in saying that, sounds like you had your own personal nursemaid all to yourself," Aimee added, smirking as she glanced up in the direction of the guys again. They were sitting at one of the tables now, seeming to be in deep conversation. Dave was chewing on the end of a coffee stirrer and she couldn't help but just stare with a curious hunger at his lips, especially when Chris said something that made him laugh loudly again. She put her elbow on her knee and then rested her chin on her hand, trying to be subtle in her staring. "I'm surprised to hear Dr C gets sick, too. He seems like those invincible sorts... I like taking care of guys when they're sick. I like cooking for them, I like watching them get dressed or stand at the fridge in just boxers drinking milk out of the bottle. I like those first few moments in the morning when their all sleepy and trying to get a ninja scratch in without you realising it. I like bubble baths with a muscly guy... bloody hell, I'm so jealous of you."

Serena shook her head. "It was a hangover. It wasn't really serious. Well, we weren't sure if we'd used a condom so he got me the morning after pill. There was some vomiting attached to that. He was really sweet. Made me tea." Serena watched Aimee with amusement. She really was getting more and more attached to Dave. It was actually nice to see her friend get interested in someone again. Serena had been worried after the break up. She wouldn't have blamed Aimee. The guy had been a total douche. "Don't worry he was just as surprised. He's not a fan of being sick. It took a little while for him to get used to being taken care of. Mm... I love my life."

Aimee puffed her cheeks out and nodded sympathetically. "I've been there once. Didn't have a knight in shining armour to get the pill for me, though. Bastard said it wasn't his problem, I had to do it all myself. He sounds like a sweetheart. Not that I doubted it, really. Some guys can be cheeky shits and still have a really sweet side. It makes them interesting. Who wants a two-dimensional rice cracker for a boyfriend, anyway?" She was already wondering if Dave had rice cracker tendencies. She didn't think so if he was best friends with the likes of Dr C. The Deleo charm wouldn't settle for boring and bland. "You're telling me Chris does all that? It's not fair. I want a whole package. You know the sort? Nice bod, likes cuddles, spoons you at night, romantic, tells you you're beautiful even you look and feel like a horse's ass, funny, cute, does boy things and makes it look good but also does dorky things and makes that look good. I'm seriously not wanting for much, am I?" she joked with a snort.

Serena made a face. "I hate those kinds of guys. They all need to be neutered and kept well away from women and society at large. No one wants a jackass or a rice cracker. I'd much rather have the genius cowboy. You can have the hottie enigma. Yeah, he does. Well, most of it. I haven't seen him drink milk in his boxers yet. He also doesn't exactly hide the scratching. He's adorable when he's all sleepy. I just want to kiss him when he's exhausted. Actually, I just want to give him ninja hand jobs. And do. You're fine with what you're asking for. Who can blame you?"

"Ninja hand jobs? What have I been missing out on? You just feel him up when he's asleep, and he doesn't wake up? I miss being in a relationship. I know that sounds fucked considering the one I was in was screwed and he was an asshole, but it's nice not being on your own. Not having to eat alone and watch TV alone. It's all the little things I want, it just sounds a lot when I bunch them all up together. But I love it when a guy is just themselves, I find boy things cute. There is nothing more sexy than a sleepy lover in his underwear, the way it rides down and just sits deliciously on their hips. Or when they're asleep on their back and you watch their belly rise and fall, with that little line of hair that disappears down into their boxers. I miss being in love, damnit." Aimee stopped again, and snuck another look in Dave's direction, wondering what sort of body he had, if there were any tattoos, which she also had a keen interest for on guys. "I mean, sex is brilliant. Who couldn't love it? But I like to appreciate all the foundations for it too. Maybe I'm rebounding? Maybe I'm just hot for him because you told me he was single and he's really, really gorgeous?"

Serena nodded as she couldn't help but smile a little proudly. "Mmhmm... He stirs a little, but then he just keeps sleeping on. I can't help it. Sometimes I wake up before him and I just want to grope him in his sleep. He always feels good in my hands." Serena rest her chin on her knees as she pulled her legs up to her chest, and stole a glance in Chris' direction. "It doesn't sound fucked. We all want that, you know. It's nice knowing you're not alone, and that you have all these little things to share with someone, and appreciate with them. Chris is the cutest when doing boy things. I can't believe how hot he is being a little bitch when he teases me. Mm... I want him to just walk around in his boxers..." Serena looked at Aimee. "I don't know, honey. It's possible, but I don't think anyone can be this hot for someone just because you say they're single. Would you be that hot for, um, Chris if I said he was single?"

Aimee was listening curiously, her eyebrows raised slightly. "So... what... does he... you know... come?" she asked, lowering her voice and glancing furtively in the guys' direction. With the way Serena was talking, she couldn't help but drop her eyes in a southerly direction, wondering what both of them might be hiding behind the scrubs yet again. "And sleeps through the whole thing? Gives a whole new meaning to wet dream. You might need to give me some pointers. Let me guess, he walks around naked instead? We all know there is nothing shy about Dr C. I think it's awesome you hooked up with him, even if it's gotta be on the hush. Better than nothing, right? He's obviously into you and cares about you, or he wouldn't be doing any of this." She rubbed her hands over her face, feeling stupid about letting some mysterious new guy get under her skin so much. "Maybe I'm just mental. I don't know why I'm so intrigued by him. If it's just his looks, does that make me shallow? But then, how can it be anything else when I don't know anything about him?"

"Oh yes, definitely," Serena revealed with a huge smirk. "It's not exactly unlike a wet dream. Just features a helping hand. I think guys could sleep through earthquakes when they're tired enough. A ninja hand job is nothing. I'd be happy to give you pointers. Well, he's no stranger to walking around naked. And I don't exactly discourage him. I'm just so relieved to have finally told someone. It's nice to be able to talk about it. About him. It's definitely better than nothing. I'd like to think he was into me that much. I mean, I know he is. He has to be to go to this much trouble." Serena reached out to touch her friend's arm. "Hey, you only just saw him. Cut yourself a break. You're allowed to just work on attraction to start with."

Aimee wet her lips and then bit the corner of it. "Now I'm just curious what a sleeping guy looks like getting one. Nothing hotter than watching a guy come when you get him off, but this is a whole new realm I'm yet to explore. I think I'd be too tempted to rub up against him and get myself off too, though. Nice, warm sleepy skin that you can run your hands all over. I like when they have a nice sweeping of hair on their chest, and the way their muscles feel under your palm. Man, so lucky I wasn't born a lesbian. I like the male body far too much. So, he's pretty open with you, yeah? The ninja thing is just with everyone else? I mean, if there's been the puke test, you're home free, right? I just need to look at his lips and he makes me hot. I can't remember the last time I wanted to taste a guy so badly. I haven't even heard him talk!"

Serena nudged her. "Now you might have a chance to find out. It's not like the things I have with Chris are things I've had before. This is all stuff I've got to learn along the way. Most of the time I'm just winging it. Rubbing myself against him is a definite danger... and I have to admit I might have done it a couple times. Aw, man... Now I'm just going to be thinking about that for the rest of my shift. We're both lucky we're not lesbians. I'd miss the male body. Yeah, he is. He's good like that. I just think I need to learn to be more open with him in return. I don't know, am I? Are there other tests?" Serena picked up her drink again and sighed wistfully. "You so need to talk to him."

Aimee shrugged and leant back on her hands again. "I don't know. I'm hardly a pin up for relationships. My last boyfriend let it all hang out from the start. I used to think it was cute, until it crossed the line from cute to disrespectful. Pretty sure he wasn't like that with his other numerous girlfriends," she snorted and then peered at Serena curiously. "How were you with taking care of him? Or, on the other hand, how are you with his little quirks, his boy habits? You know, the things they start to do when they're more and more comfortable with you? Or aren't you to that point yet? I've heard of the puke test from Wayne's World, but I guess anything that crosses the threshold counts as a test. Like, the first time you tell him you can't have sex because it's that time of the month, or asking him to buy you tampons, or running out of toilet paper and needing him to get you a roll from the cupboard, or embarrassing things when you're sick... all of those sorts of things are tests, really. It's giving each other more and more of yourself."

"He was a douche. Just forget about him. Any guy is a prince compared to that dick splash. He's welcome to the other whores." Serena nodded as she listened, and took the top off her drink now that the straw was getting harder to suck through. "I was pretty good. I just wanted to. I think he was surprised I did, but how could I not? He's been sick, and he's been stuck with some pretty awful shifts. You know what it gets like when everything just seems to roll into a big ball of crazy. I'm fine with them. He hasn't actually got too many horrible ones. At least none of I've been privy to. He scratches his balls, farts, indulges in the morning wood. It's all pretty cute. I think that's our next hurdle. I couldn't even tell him it was my birthday."

Aimee pointed with her cup. "He got you the morning after pill. That's right up there with tampons. But the whole feeling crampy and crappy, having to tell them you really don't feel like sex and if they touch your boobs you'll deck them. That's relationship stamina. A good guy will understand, a dickhead will whine about how he has to wait a whole week for a fuck. You know what I think true love has gotta be? Having a fart competition with your lover," she decided with a laugh, waving her hand and shaking her head. "The damn guys that think girls don't do that or shouldn't do it need their heads read. One rule book for them, one for us. It's fucking tiresome, you know? Why not? Were you worried about something?"

Serena smiled as she looked at Aimee. "Yeah, that's true. He really did. He was so sweet. And didn't even mind that I borrowed his lucky red boxers. I'm still not sure how I wound up in them, but it was nice wearing them. Somehow we've managed not to tackle that time of the month. I'm not even sure how it's managed to coordinate but it has. I hate the dickheads. They really do need their dicks stapled to their forehead." Serena laughed at the image of a farting competition. "You know what, I think you're right. That really is love. I don't know what I was worried about. It seems stupid now."

Aimee rested her head in her hand again and gazed over at the two friends sitting at the table talking. "Just look at them. What have they done to us? It would be so easy to just decide they weren't right for us, and forget about it, but... I dunno. There's something about him, I want to know more. There's something behind that smile I want to understand. Then your other half, he's always just had a presence. He can make anyone feel at ease. But when it comes to the crunch, we get nervous and tongue-tied and don't even damn well know why. I mean, why would it matter to tell him it was your birthday? Maybe you just subconsciously felt like doing that would mean you wanted him to do something, and that would make it too serious when you weren't sure if he wanted it to be? But you've got the puke test and the farting and the morning wood. You've got a relationship, no matter what you call it or how much you hide it. It's still there."

"I think you're onto something with the subconscious thinking. I just get really conscious about what might be seen as too serious, or too much, you know? It's not like we've even gone out on any dates. We just take turns going to each other's places. The tongue-tied thing, well that's just... I don't know. Hormones? It seems like part of being attracted to someone is acting like a dufus." Serena was about to say more but her pager went off. She glanced over at Chris to see his going off as well. "Sorry, Aims. Look like we got incoming. You're just going to have to enjoy the Dr D view yourself. Or you could go talk to him," Serena finished with a devious look.

Aimee might've had the guts to actually follow Serena's suggestion if she had a bit more time to work up to it. The only thing was, a few moments later, Dave's pager went off too. It must be a big one. Alpha always went first, closely followed by the others on a large case. She shot Serena a wry smile with a small shrug before stealing just one more appreciative glance at Dr Dave. "Saved by the bell..."

[ship] chris/serena, [with] aimee lawson, [rp] learninghearts, [episode] eight, [season] one, [co-written] learninghearts

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