Recap: Newsroom secretary who just had her day ruined.
A customer came up to my desk, wanting to pick up her picture. I gave it to her. Then she wanted to "proof read" the text that we were printing with it.
It's going in Sunday's paper. This is Friday afternoon and we don't print on Saturdays. Therefore Sunday's paper is finished and ready to print. So even if she found something she wanted to change, it's too late. I tell her so.
She doesn't care. She wants to look at it anyway. Because "every time she's dropped something off, there's been mistakes." Okay, I've been here a year and never seen this woman before, but whatever.
Now, being the newsroom secretary, I don't have some of the programs on my computer that the other people in the newsroom do. I can get to some of their files, but not everything.
I looked through what I could get to, but couldn't find this particular file. And, it being 4:30 on a Friday, everyone in the newsroom but me is gone. So I can't get to it. I tell her so, after multiple attempts to get to the files on my computer.
She tells me to get somebody who can.
I tell her (motioning to the clearly empty room) that everyone is gone.
She tells me she hears people in the back.
They work in advertising. They cannot get to the files.
She wants me to get to someone who can.
I again tell her they're all gone.
We go around and around like this for like 10 minutes. Until she breaks out a sweet smile and says, "How long have you been working here, dear?"
I know where this is going, and I'm almost shaking with anger right about now. I say, "A year," as kindly as possible.
She replies with the sickingly sweet, "Oh, you don't know the ropes as well as everyone else, do you?"
I swear, I wanted to punch her in the face. And I'm the least violent person in the world. How dare that witch tell me I don't know how to do my job because I can't get to something that's NOT ON MY FREAKING COMPUTER.
She finally left in a huff. I somehow managed not to hurl my phone at her back, but I did punch the bathroom door rather hard as I left the newsroom to compose myself.