Some posts from the world of IT

Jun 25, 2007 10:52

Greetings dear friends!

Last time I posted I was trapped in the dark depressing world of retail. Since then I have changed jobs, and I am now working in the wonderful and exciting world of IT! And as I sit here roasting to death (we don't have A/C) in our bright new office, I'll spare a thought for all you brave but tortured souls who are still working in retail.

It seems even IT has it's fair share of stupidities - here is a selection of what I've had so far.

1. Sometimes people phone up and ask if someone can connect to their PC (using Remote Assistance). So, I establish a connection to their PC, and when they get asked "Do you want to allow this user permission to connect to your PC", for some bizarre reason they click no! I have never been able to work this out!

2. People can NEVER remember their passwords. We have a select few within our company, whose names always crop up because they phone up several times a day wanting their password reset.

3. Sometimes people phone up because they don't know how to do something ridiculously simple, like switch on their PC. These people always claim they are "not IT literate"! Since when did you need an honours degree in Computer Science to know how to press a power switch? I reckon people are using the "not IT literate" excuse because they're too bloody lazy to actually learn how to do things!

4. It never ceases to amaze me how people can casually break the rules within our company. Look folks, you were told about our company's email policy, you've read the document, why then do you insist on violating the policy by sending Spam emails? Ok, I know you're terribly superstitious and believe with all your heart that not sending that mail to 20 people within the next 5 minutes will result in bad luck (in life or love) for eternity, but nevertheless, it is a violation of our company policy, so don't do it! Unless of course you hate your job so much you actually want to get fired.

More for you later!
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