Apparently, some self-proclaimed "boob nazis" (parents who advocate breast-feeding over formula feeding) have been upset by a onesie that Target carries that says "Formula 4 Success" on the front with a picture of a bottle. They've taken to "stashing" the onesies around at various places on the salesfloor (camping, men's basics, etc
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Comments 954
And considering the number of fully functioning human beings today who were formula-fed, I can't believe it's that big of a deal.
Their method of protest just doesn't make sense. I wonder if they were formula fed? ;-)
Really, you do what you can for your children.
I think a adoptive mom who is willing to do that is AMAZING...
"Boob nazis" (moronic term, do they gas formula-feeders?) are uniformly imbeciles.
Sorry, had to say it. Seriously, they sicken me. Especially the ones who insist HIV+ mothers and infants with intolerances and feeding problems absolutely must breastfeed. Way to compromise your kid's health for hippie cred with your internet friends, people.
(Excuse the rage.)
I was breastfed as a kid (1972-1975ish) and my mother was president or something of La Leche League (breastfeeding group) and she has written books on pregnancy and one was even called "Breastfeeding" and the La Leche group would take the bottles away when we got new baby dolls and we all "knew" how to breastfeed (well, I didn't quite get the "under the shirt part" but I was young) and while I have never had any kids, I think that if it is possible and healthy that women should breastfeed.
And now that you know that...
Geez, these women need a freaking LIFE! Sometimes people just feed the kids formula.
Thank you. :)
My little sisters do that. They even 'breastfeed' each other when they play families.
Thing is, they won't.
If it pisses you off, take your money elsewhere. That'll make 'em notice. :P
They laughed all the way...
They arn't even reading the letters. Which is why the breastfeeding moms are angry.
Damn. I turn my back for a second and suddenly there's a crisis brewing in modern society! Down with the onesies!
I bet you, please boycott Target. I really don't want to run into you or any of your fellow mouthbreathers while I'm trying to buy panties and printer paper.
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