Apr 22, 2005 18:02
So I haven’t updated in almost a month. I’ve been meaning to but things get in the way and livejournal simply isn’t one of my top priorities. I’m actually at work right now, taking my “break”. It’s gonna be a long day once my head hits the pillow tonight. I had a budget meeting this morning at 10:00 am and it’s been meeting after meeting since then. Although lunch was fun. Jim, David and I met up with Chad at Mimi’s and we all had some fucking good grilled cheeses. We found out someone’s gonna be a daddy. I wish this guy the best of luck, talk about surprises.
During the staff meeting today some middle aged man came bursting into the Epicentre yelling “Where the hell are those cocksuckers?! Those fucking RSVP cocksuckers?!” He punched a hole through one of our doors with his fist and then took off in a rage. We obviously called the cops and got the guy’s license plate number but who knows if anything will really happen.
If you haven’t heard by now, there’s a party next Saturday (April 30th) at Danny’s place to celebrate a highly anticipated birthday. There will be no relapse of last year (i.e. puking your guts out). I will not drink anything that is called something you can find in a comic book… no way in hell. If you want to come, call me for directions and details. I don’t know what I’m doing on my actual birthday though, which is the next day, May 1st. I’ll think of something since my whole family is throwing me a big party during the day of the 30th.
In other news, I hate it when someone calls me or wants to hang out in hopes of me scoring shit for them. Don’t do that, especially if we’re not close.
May is going to be a fucking awesome and thrilling month. This semester ending, Jimmy Eat World, possibly Audioslave, the Bellagio!, and life at 21. I hear being 21 gets old fast, but I think it depends on how you’re living it. Frequency kills it, of course… but moderation keeps it alive.
Wow, it’s 6:00 already and my staff is starting to arrive. Time to be a good Manager. Spare Change tonight, come!