This is a meme where you ask about people's interests (from their el jay profile). Comment on this post, and I'll pick six of yours, and you explain them on a post you make. Then you post this on your journal and it becomes a never ending spiral... and good fun.
intertext asked me about
achewood, cherish the ladies, elves in space, longpig, the nields, and perseity.
Achewood is a more-or-less daily comic by Chris Onstad about the doings of a group of, ah, cats and bears and some robots and a young otter named Philippe, among others. It's surreal, character-driven, and has longer plot arcs than you'd probably expect for such a thing. It's frequently hilarious, sometimes shocking, and occasionally strangely moving.
Cherish the Ladies is an all-female Irish-American folk group that I'm quite fond of. They perform mostly traditional tunes, some instrumental and some with vocals. I had a hard time deciding which song of theirs I would share with you lovely people, but I eventually decided on
Coal Quay Market/Happy Days/Rabbit in the Field since it has both vocal and purely instrumental work on the same track.
elves in space was a Changeling role-playing campaign run by
ladyiolanthe. The title says it all - we were fairies on a space ship :) Even though the game ended quite a while ago, I keep the phrase as an interest both as a reminder of the campaign and because, for me, the idea of elves in space stands for anything that plays with/subverts conventional genre expectations, which is something I like rather a lot.
longpig is
longpig, one of my very bestest friends for going on a decade. She is
a very talented artist, currently working on her PhD in Wales. She was the maid of honour at my wedding, and I get to be a bridesmaid for her next summer, when she marries the most worthy
wererogue. I think she is excellent :)
The Nields are both a pair of sisters, Nerissa and Katryna, folk singer-songwriters from Massachusetts, and their eponymous band, which also includes their husbands and one other guy. Although I adore traditional folk unequivocally, I'm more picky about my contemporary folk, but I think the Nields are completely awesome. Here is the first song of theirs that I ever loved:
Gotta Get Over Greta. (This reminded me to add their newest albums to my wishlist :)
Perseity was a sci-fi role-playing campaign run online by
forthright via LJ and IRC, and it was indisputably one of the best campaigns I've ever been involved in (although it did also try to eat my husband's life for a while there...) Set on a space station, with a cast of hundreds! My characters were
aysta the bubbly aspiring pop star and actress,
romilde the polyamorous cop with the rebellious daughter,
naryrising the teenage mechanic for the mob, and
jero_gede the philandering professor, poet, and philosopher. I miss it greatly and still sometimes use its slang by accident when I'm not thinking, because I'm a frooked vert that way. Splash :)