Man, I really want to make a post about how much Richard Dawkins pisses me off, but I know that to do it properly, I'd need to read more of his stuff, and that would just piss me off more.
For the moment, I'll just say that his claim that
a unified theory of physics will bring about the end of religion is one of the most idiotic statements I've heard in recent memory.
No, actually, I'll say something else. Not all religions reject science. For that matter, not all religious people believe in God (or gods), or at least not in the way that Dawkins thinks they do. And, if religion is the cause of most evils in human history, how to explain the general fucked-uppedness of the past century, when secularism and science have been at their highest levels ever? And how can someone claim to be against dogma and bigotry and at the same time tar all faiths and all believers, whatever their nature, with the same brush?
And why do scientists feel the need to play at being historians and theologians?