
May 24, 2009 23:21

For Phoebe, who was sorry she missed it due to something she calls "sleep".

I'm still giggling about turning Light into WJC!Kira.
he can storm off in a swirl of lilac florals.
"WHY are you wearing a shower curtain, Yagami?"
"That's Lord Kira to you, serf."
"And didn't they tell you girls don't get extra powers?"
"But I have a fetching hat!"
"OHSHI- *hides beneath curtain*"
"Your hat is not fetching. This mask is fetching."
"*not in the least nervous because of lack of minions*"
"You look like a demented raccoon."
"You don't even have *sunglasses*, bitch."
"I have a tie!"
"TALLY-HO, MINIONS, ATTACK! *sits back and noms chocolate*"
"Unless you mean the ones living in your *perfect* hair."
"I have *a* minion."
(Matt: "Damn it, that was my next-to-last life!" Mel: "...")
"Your minion has a gameboy, Mel. >D"
"Yours are too busy pulling each other's hair to be useful! Yes, even Mikami."
"So what do we do in the meantime? Glare across this convenient table?"
"Feel free to gloat about your evil plan being one-quarter complete. With details where appropriate."
"I'm not going to fall for that one, Mel."
"...my evil plan is HALF complete."
"*surreptitiously taking notes* Oh, my bad. You'd better explain it to me. I am a girl, after all. *totally fake batting of totally fake eyelashes*"
(I think girl!WJC!Mello should get feminine wiles as a power!)
She's Make the Double Standard Work For Me!Girl!
"Are you *sure* you're a girl? I don't see any hair pulling at all."
"I've never had to resort to hair-pulling. >D"
"You're so smart and clever, Mel. I don't know how I got stuck with these three."
(obligatory protests from Mikami, Misa and Takada.)
"Uh-huh, nice try."
"You need to swap some of your evil for better fashion sense before that has a snowball's chance in hell of working."
"You say that, but I know you're tempted. Anyway, lilac is my *best* colour."
"You'd have to at least tone down the special effects."
"... *pouting*"
"Besides, look at me, all Victor/Victoriaed out here. Subtlety, Yagami, subtlety."
"Subtlety is for you mortals. I'm divine."
"Good shall always triumph, for evil dresses too loudly for stealth!"
*scatter of glitter behind him. Mikami's playing Nanao from the roof*
"Evil will always triumph, because good has no fashion sense, and therefore no fans."
*sounds of *byuuu* and *omnom* and *beep bloop* as her team's contribution*
"This suit is *double-breasted*, what do you mean, 'no fashion sense'?"
"I don't see even a single sparkle."
"They're all in your potato chips."
"Don't bring the potato chips into this, unless you'd like to offer a generous donation to my cause."
"(:D :D :D)"
"Pfff. Justice comes in brownie form. No sparkles necessary. Evil comes with high cholesterol and too much sodium."
"Nice try, Mel. I have justice *and* evil simultaneously. Camera one, camera two, if you will."
*blinky hand motions*
*more glitter*
"If you already have justice, it won't hurt you to eat this brownie, now will it? *:D*"
"Mikami. Eat the brownie."
*immune to glitter! gets out feather boa!*
(Mikami does so.)
(cry of KAMIIIII goes up.)
*Bwahahaha, mine is an evil, yet restrained and British, laugh*
*thud and cry of SAKU- as Mikami falls to floor.*
"Feathers with that suit?"
"You just WISH you could look this good."
"I DO look that good. *rival hair-flip, twitch of shoulders to make the shower curtain flap, etc*"
"You look like Matt's evil twin."
*takes hat off in slo-mo. convenient wind from somewhere!*
"Have you seen what he does when you take his gameboy away?"
"See, the set designers favor good."
*unwrapping shower curtain from head*
"Fortunately, the set designers don't write the script."
"He had every right to avenge a GameBoy cut down in its prime."
"Unfortunately you let him get another. What use is he to you? You should come over to the side of evil. We've got sparkles, sexiness and unlimited chocolate."
"I even look a bit like him, as you've pointed out. *evil squint from behind mask, yes*"
">D ?"
"We have caek."
"Misa can bake."
"And lasers."
"And spiffy fedoras."
"Mikami's got lasers. You can bring the fedora."
"I won't insist on the hair-pulling. *small* much."
"Even if we weren't, you know, THE GOOD GUYS, I'd still refuse to be on the same side as Misa and Takada."
"You wouldn't be on their side. You'd be on mine. And you've got to admit I look *fucking fantastic* in this cape."
*grumbling about lack of good canon women*
"It clashes with your hair."
*not quite sure of the issue, they seem like all the women he's ever met.*
"Done for effect."
"What effect are you going for? Queer Eye for the Straight Villain bait?"
"Please, Mel, don't talk about the left-hand path and me in front of Mikami. Last time it took us a month to get the laundry done."
(Alas! I must go rinse my purple dye out!)
(Go! Rinse! I still don't have tea.)
But Mel is slipping Mikami some fanfic selections before I do. >D

lol, ooc, chat

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