(no subject)

May 23, 2009 01:59

no, I don't want to involve the tennis thing. that's a whole 'nother story.
because I'm pretty convinced that for the years he's playing, it's *so* much more important to him than his academic achievements.
I think taking it past the age of five is a mistake. I need to find some way to wrap it there.
* vashti could write an actual book about the abortive tennis career of light yagami.
the thing is, it's not "played a bit of tennis and didn't suck", it's "national champion in his age group", which is a *huge commitment*. Like, training every night and shit.
though I'm certain Ohba didn't think it through to that extent.
Yes, and yes.
Aren't you the one who had the theory that Light will work at something 'til he masters it, and then he's *done*?
Yeah, I did.
I don't any longer.
I reckon the reason he packs that in when he does is because it's not an adequate use of his talents.
And nothing to do with what he does or doesn't want to do.
like what he said to bassy, "any idiot can twang a guitar", you know?
he had a duty to change the world.
Some people theorise that he gives it up because he knew he wasn't good enough to progress, or because he wouldn't have time to study at high school level too.
I don't actually find either of those arguments convincing, not for Light.
if he'd *lost* the last championship he played in, I could see the first.
oh, god.
I think that's something Soichiro said to him.
or within earshot of him.
"anyone can knock a ball around". I think he said it to Sachiko and Light overheard.
because by the time he's doing his boy detective schtick? He's in high school.
I've always thought it wasn't quite in Light's voice.
but equally, it was something that demanded to be said. Okay.
*clings, too*
god, I feel *so bad for him* when this shit comes up.
when you consider that subby has all the same stuff in his past.
Oh, yesss. Poor Subby.
*weeps and tea*
You make me feel bad for Light! It's quite a feat!
Keikaku doori.
I can't help but see him as the first victim of the note, honestly.
the more I write and theorise about him.
It's true.
Do you mind if I clip this?
Not at all!

ooc, chat

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