and the world stopped spinning

Feb 23, 2010 19:56

 . . . or when I finally decided to step off of the cliff of sanity.  Either way, the world came to an end.

This is a swapped universe, but not with the two you'd expect:  Cyril Camelot (or Mikk, in this universe) and Allen.  Oh, there are things still the same: Tyki Mikk was still Cyril's brother, Allen is still the Fourteenth (though he no longer goes by Walker), and Cyril is still a touchy-feely bastard.

And there is more!


-Allen's hand was deformed by the Innocence, but his parents did not abandon him.  Instead, they kept him, doting on him like loving parents should.  Thus, Allen grew up with a normal childhood until Tyki showed up their doorstep, crying for his big brother

-Cyril's and Tyki's parents were abusive and often threatened their children's health; taking a desperate course of action, Cyril took his brother, who was only three at the time, and ran away.  He somehow managed to keep his brother safe through that time while he was with him - himself, not so much.  To this day, he still carries some scars from then

-When Cyril was eight and Tyki five, wandering through Britain, they somehow were separated, whether it be from the swarming crowd or from being chased by the police - either way, Cyril ended up limping through the streets on Christmas Eve, calling his brother's name over and over until he finally collapsed from hunger and exhaustion.  Mana, who was also wandering around during that time, soon found the boy and took him under his wing

-Tyki, on the other hand, was also doing the same thing; however, he found himself sitting down in front of one of many houses and bursting into tears.  Hearing him, Allen's mother and father took him inside before he froze to death, and after they could not find his family, took him as their own son.  Allen was four years old, and the two grew up like brothers

-Cyril, after being taken in by Mana, often looked through the city trying to find his baby brother, but for some reason could never find him.  He soon was forced to accept that his brother was probably dead from either the cold or starvation, and tried to continue living after that with Mana.  He eventually came to love Mana like a father.  Cyril was devastated after the man died and desperately wished for the man to come back

-And of course, the Earl came to visit.  Mana was made into an akuma, and Cyril was delighted to see him; however, Mana was outraged, slashing Cyril's eye and deeming the boy cursed.  Cyril, terrified and saddened, blacked out.  The next thing he knew, he was out on the street, his eye dripping blood and tears wiping stripes through the blood*

-It was at this time that Cross Marian found him and took him as an apprentice, even though the boy had no Innocence.  Cyril grew up pretty much as Allen did, though he managed to worm his way out of them a little bit better then Allen did.  Unlike Allen, he does not have that much of an aversion to liquor, though he does refuse to drink the stuff

-At fifeen years old, Cyril was sent to the Black Order with a letter from Cross in his hand, a lump on his head, and Timcanpy fluttering around his head.  He was accepted.

-A year later, he found himself able to synchronize with the Innocence 'Devil's Whispers' - an odd name for an Innocence, though fitting once he came to know its abilities**

-Meanwhile, Allen had been having strange dreams - dreams of an Ark, of a man named Adam, and the singing of someone in his head.  He only confided these dreams to Tyki and didn't dare tell their parents.

-Barely two months after Allen had turned sixteen, he remembered the Fourteenth and became the Fourteenth - in a fit of fury and pain, he slaughtered his parents and Tyki and escaped before the Earl came to greet him.  Unwittingly, he had just killed his brother Joyd

-Hearing of a murder near the Black Order, Cyril and Lenalee Lee were sent out to investigate the scene of the crime.  Cyril and Lenalee entered the house to find three bodies set side by side, all but their heads covered, as their heads were the only parts of their body left intact.

-Cyril did not immediately recognize his little brother's body - in fact, it took him several minutes to finally realize who the teenager was.  Not hearing Lenalee's calls of concern, he flew into hysteria, feeling more panicked than he ever had since Mana had died.  He had to be taken from the house by force as he tried to cling to Tyki's body

-It wasn't long before Cyril demanded to know who the other boy in the house had been.  At first, Komui refused to give Cyril the information that he wanted, but after a while, he relented and told Cyril that the boy Allen had not been found after the incident and was suspected of being on the Earl's side.***  Cyril then vowed to himself to hunt the boy down, no matter the cost

-Many months later, when Cyril turned nineteen, he began to have similar dreams to those of Allen's, but never told anyone of this, not even Lenalee, one of his closest friends.  He never stopped searching for Allen.

-Now, a mere year later, Cyril is almost twenty years old, and Exorcist, and an unknowingly budding Noah.  He has not lost his drive to hunt down Allen, but he has began to calm down, calculating and placing the destruction of the Akuma first on his list like canon!Allen.  He has also been having trouble with his Innocence as of late, though he does not know the reason.

-Cyril has gone on many of the missions that Allen has in canon, but he has taken some in slightly different approaches, and some of the adventures never happened (Kanda attacking him outside of the gate).  The adventures with Moa and Leo did happen and were pretty close to what happened in canon.  The same is with Lala, Miranda and Krory, though he wasn't as reluctant as Allen to hurt others.

*This is marked because the only reason I have for Cyril surviving this incident is because of his Noah and the reluctance an Akuma would feel for killing a Noah who was not yet a traitor.  I was reluctant on even having this part in his canon, but I decided to anyway.  Also because of icons: please keep in mind that he does have a mark on his eye, but I'm incapable of using Adobe Photoshop right now (I WILL LEARN ONE DAY, I SWEAR).  So please use your imagination.

**More info to be added later

***Komui hid the information that the Order knew that Allen Walker was the Fourteenth from Cyril, for the pure reason to keep his hate from increasing.

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