Aug 08, 2006 16:58
Ok, so here's whats been up. Work. I've been working a lot these past few weeks to get ready for the inventory that was two nights ago. Inventory was ok, counting books til I almost went blind was fun. We were there til 330ish and chris and I hung out after. Yesterday I had off because of the inventory the night before and i slept til 330. I need someone to call me early sometime soon and wake me up, because if my alarm goes off early and I have no reason to get up, Ill hit snooze. Like today, I was up for 2 hours before i took a nap. And just woke up now, I have to go to work in an hour and I really dont want to go. Having work at 6 sucks...tomorrow its the same thing. Grr to that. I dont really go out a lot and I think my work prevents me from having a life. Workin til midnight...I cant meet up with friends that are already out so I sit around and since I only woke up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, I'm can't go to sleep after work either. But i usually dont like doing things before work, (it gets my hopes up) so I dont...and on Saturdays, working 330-12 takes up my entire day, and i definately don't do things before work. I've asked to not close as often as I do, and still my request goes unnoticed. This sucks. Opening isn't so bad...neither is midshifting. 11-5 or 6 is nice, 2-10 on a sunday is not. closing once in a while is fine, but all the time takes it out of you. I'm exhausted all the time from work and it sucks. Now i need to get ready for said annoying work
hopefully something interesting happens tonight, though it probably won't.
I also think I'm gonna stop smoking for a long time. I came to the conclusion last night that I really don't like doing it anymore.
Oh yea, last night I went out with Rachel and Stacy to Applebees, and I havn't been there in forever cause it makes me sick. I figured I'd suck it up and I'd be fine if I dont get the boneless wings. So I get the Spinach dip, as does Rachel and she orders drinks because it's two-fers and I drink one and she drinks the other and I start to feel really really really weird after i finished my first drink. My chest was hurting, it felt like i was going to throw up and my arms, from my shoulders all the way down, felt weak and numbish. I freaked out, gave them money and stepped outside til they paid the bill. I was supposed to stay at Rachels last night, but Stacy drove me home after Applebees cause I was feeling so weird, so my(tracy's) bike is still at rachels, along with my shirt...I'll get them eventually. The bike, most likely tomorrow since I'm apparently going for a ride with Jay tomorrow at 930 (he's crazy)
time to get ready for work