(no subject)

Apr 05, 2030 21:45

Name/Nickname/How you want to be referred to: Ash or Errin works just fine.
Personal LJ: meadowofpeace
Some way to get a hold of you--aim/email/etc.: AIM - thouartshade OR AIM - eden0renewed

Canon's Name: Fruits Basket or Furuba.
Character's Name: Akito Sohma
Link(s) to Canon Information: Here is a good link, but I will be taking Akito from the anime. Therefore he will be a he and not secretly a she.
Character's Information:

History: Akito is the only child of Akira and Ren Sohma. (Though neither of them ever make an appearance or are spoken of in the anime (unlike the manga).) After losing Akira at a young age, Akito fell under the tutelage of the older Sohmas. (Ren never supported or showed any love for Akito and, understandably, Akito never supported or showed any love for his mother. Therefore the two went their separate ways early on. (Again, this is somewhat different from the manga, but one can assume Akito's childhood remained relatively the same.))

After Yuki was born, Akito requested that the Rat be left solely in his care. He locked the boy up, tormented him and ensured that Yuki was emotionally scarred. By doing so, he thought that he had secured his place as the Head of the Sohma family. Once the other members of the Sohma family saw how Yuki and the older Sohmas revered him, they wouldn't even consider disobeying him.

For years, everything seemed to be going well. There were a few mishaps, of course. Like Hiro admitting his feelings for Kisa and Hatori telling him about Kana, but Akito had been able to suppress those "uprisings".

But things were about to change.

After Kyo (the Cat) returned from his journey in the mountains, Akito made a deal with him. If he could beat Yuki, Akito would stop calling him a monster and allow him to join the Zodiac.

Yet, little did he know that by pushing Kyo closer to Yuki (proximity wise) he had just ensured that the Sohma Curse would start unraveling.

And this "unraveling" would all be thanks to a girl by the name of Tohru Honda.

When Shigure approached him about Tohru living with him, Yuki and Kyo, Akito agreed. He thought it might be a good way to show Yuki how cruel the world could be. He never considered that Tohru could possibly be receptive to the Curse.

But she was.

As soon as he heard of how receptive she actually was, Akito decided that he had to meet this girl in person. His health interfered with him meeting her right away, however, but it wasn't long before the pair finally ran into one another at the highschool. Said meeting didn't end comfortably - considering how Yuki reacted to him - but he believed he had gotten a good impression of Tohru.

Unfortunately, he was very mistaken about her (i.e. he thought she was unintelligent and ugly). Or, at least, it seemed that he was mistaken about her. What he told Shigure after he met Tohru seems to conflict with how he treats the girl later on.

For example, on the night where Kyo transforms into the Cat's True Form, Akito finds Tohru in the rain. He threatens her and beats her down verbally until Shigure finds them. It's clear that Akito sees Tohru as a major threat at that point. Only time will tell who will win in the end. The anime leaves that question unanswered.

Personality: Akito is the only child of Akira and Ren Sohma (though this is never stated in the anime). He is the Core of the Zodiac Curse. Essentially, his role in the Zodiac holds everyone together. Thus his family refers to him as "God".

But even with all of his power over the 13 Animals, Akito is bitter and miserable. His demeanor is due to the fact that he was born in order to die. The Curse that connects him to everyone in the Zodiac is the very thing that will kill him in the end (unless the Curse is somehow broken before then). Therefore he can't stand to see anyone happy. (This explains why he reacts so violently to his family finding love outside of his knowledge. (An example of this is how he treats Hatori when he finds out about Kana.)

If you need further examples of Akito's rage and frustration popping up in the anime, I will be happy to provide them for you. However, in each case, the circumstances are generally the same; and Akito's jealousy is what fuels his anger. If he can't be happy, he doesn't want anyone else to be happy either.)

For Compound, I will be taking Akito from just before his confrontation with Tohru. (i.e. After Tohru helps Kyo through his transformation. If you need to see said episode, here is a link.) The reason why I picked this canon point is due to the fact that Akito will be extremely conflicted. On one hand, he will be pleased the he hurt Tohru with his threats on that night. But, on the other, he will realize that Tohru is going to be staying with his family unless he does something even more drastic (like harming her physically). But, over all, he will understand, for perhaps the first time, that he is losing control of his family.

Nothing - nothing - scares Akito more than the thought of losing his family.

Tell us what your character has on them: His robes and his bird. The little sparrow may fly off from time to time, but it always returns to him. (Much like how Kureno acts in the manga.)
Why do you want this character?: Akito has always been a favorite of mine.
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