I repeat....LJ people may avoid this post....
And advance apologies to my f-list coz of this loooong entry with big pictures....
So, it seems almost everyone outside of LJ doesn't seem to get how LJ works. Pohz who says she doesnt know went offline the minute she agreed to my teaching (hahaha, i know, i know, u got dc-ed...it could be an excuse... XD ) and Joey who...apparently had to go to Alissa's blog just to get the steps to the tag I tagged him...ok, so not almost everyone since not almost everyone visits my LJ anyways. Pohz said it's too colourful that she doesnt even know what to click. So i took screencaps (is that the word) and will now begin the "tutorial" about how people can "interact" around here....
First off...LJ CUTS!
Sometimes (yea, right...everytime!) my entries get too long and so I "LJ Fake Cut" them so that the text is hidden unless u click and it would be revealed. For example...
Click on that....and then....page refreshes...TA DAA~~~
(that's oddly fast... >.< )
Another example...
And another example...
Click on "(You know you wanna know the secret within....)" and then....
Got it? I hope the pictures explain enough.....
Right, so usually at the end of each entry, it'd look something like this....
click on the "comments" to read...comments...or click on "leave a comment" to....leave a comment. >.<
and you will brought to this page...
and that would be it!
But here's another way to leave ur comment....instead of "anonymous"...u can try "open id" where u can leave ur blog address.
Next, if u saw some comment and wanna respond to that....
Ok!!! Another thing in my entries are links! All the ones circled below in purplish-pinkish-red are clickable...and some may contain download links...
OK? I hope that was clear enough...i mean, pictures...arrows...words...anyways, if u guys still dont get it, tell me alright? Not that a lot of people even come here so.....oh well. For Pohz then. ^^ I'm taking out the Cbox soon...i keep saying that but i really will do it! XD