Mobile check #4

Mar 18, 2008 08:12

Well, actually, i don't remember which number this mobile entry is
already. Hehee. Yea, so i have no internet again and i feel dreadfully
guilty coz the post about my enquiry in news_jpop and ikuta_toma
because it had replies to my question and comments but i'm unable to
reply at the moment since...well, i don't have internet. If anyone
can, do please help me leave a comment there saying i'll reply to them
soon. Well, this applies to those who are from those communities
anyway. Haha. Yes, so here i am updating an entry coz i feel guilty.

No class today! Yay!

Class tomoro! .....yay...

Oh, and yesterday was 's birthday. Not
sure if i got the html code right..if it's not,i'll fix it when i'm
online. So yea...HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU! :)

and it was hong's housewarming but i didn't go...hehee..i will next
time! ...if he has another one again. phone doesn't
understand 'housewarming' keeps typing it as 'housewarning'..ish.

I WILL get my own internet. i need it more than ever. Before ya jump
to conclusions, its for ASSIGNMENTS...mainly. Hahahaha.

For some reason, recently, i've been feeling excessively happy and
hyper..i think it started on that night i was chatting with ben and
robin about japan.haha.yay to my dream. I can ACTUALLY work there. A
possibility at least. =p

i have a craving for takoyaki...and that
teh-tarik-cookies-n-cream-but-is-actually-green-tea-frappucino thingie
from starbucks. I only know how to spell C-O-F-F-E-E.

mobile check

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