
Mar 11, 2012 22:39

Hello world.

It's been a while and I've yet to fulfill my 'dream' of revamping this place and utilizing it as much as I wish to. As usual, life is speeding by and dragging me along with it -- as if I'm being tied to the back of a bullet train. I'm not sure if I can stop it or if the train will ever reach a station for a 5 minute break but sometimes I think I'm the one who just don't make the stop and do the stuff I say I wanna but 'can't do in the end'.

Either way -- it's hard to believe that it's 2012, turning 23 soon, working, and a whole lot of other descriptions. It's come to the point where I wonder if this was how I envisioned my life to be 10 or even 5 years ago. But then again, I was (and still am) a dreamer then. And -- I ponder often anyways. A ponder and a dreamer.

What do I wanna do? The quote "Live every day as if it's your last" or something along the lines of "Would you proud of where you are today 5 years later" -- if today is my last, then no, I don't think I told my family and close friends enough of how much I love them and how thankful I am for them. If it's 5 years later, then...maybe. I think what I'm doing now is cool and I've met many and various cool people too. But I prolly just haven't done what I really wanna do yet.

It's surreal whenever I read stories from other places, the suffering, the loss, the empty ones and yet here I am, under a strong roof, behind stronger walls and on a comfy (but slightly squeaky) chair, typing this on one of the most expensive laptops out there -- pondering about life. Ironic. And of course, I have to thank God for this life, despite the troubles and despite some mean people out there -- what I face is nothing compared to those. Nothing at all. In fact, my life is almost like a princess compared to theirs. And I don't mean this in a insensitive way, but rather, a very thankful heart though often I forget this huge fact.

And so then I wonder, who is truly happy in this world? Is any one person happy and content at all somewhere on this planet? 

life is a rollercoaster

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