Working towards a new beginning

Dec 01, 2011 17:30

Forgotten, originally uploaded by ochaki.


My last post
said something along the lines of "OMG I'VE BEEN WORKING FOR THREE MONTHS?! THERE!?". ヾ(。`Д´。)ノ


By now, technically it's already 8 months.
How time has flown by, without even giving me the capacity to stop and watch it go pass me.

But enough of that.
A couple of days ago, I suddenly remembered about my old (read: unfinished) story and so I went back and skimmed through it. (ノДT) And I've been browsing at some of the tags too. o(TωT )

Many things have happened in my life and like I said, with no time to even realize and remember the prominence of it.

It's the 1st of December - 30 more days to the end of 2011
and to the beginning of 2012
. For the past year, I've taken on various projects
, amplified my interests
or simply diverting my attention to other stuff
. And so my life is as messy as my work table
and while I kinda feel comfortable with it that way, I do wanna clean up and get things organized to pave way for the future.

Kinda like how the time I spent days re-arranging the files in my two big hard drives. ( ̄_ ̄ i)

So I have until the end of the month to revamp, re-style, and re-prioritize. currynana@LJ is gonna come back to life - I hope.



(since when did LJ have this box?)

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