Milo-tic Orgasm

Jun 18, 2009 01:10

by ~Pogon on deviantART
Milo is fantastic. Even though the Milo in Australia is different from the one back home in Malaysia, I've pretty much grown accustomed to it. Coz at least it's still Milo.

Before coming here, I didn't know that Milo originated from Australia, which comes as quite a surprise. Just coz. Or maybe it's because I've grown up with Milo (or drinking it almost every morning as far as I can remember) that I just thought it was a Malaysian thing.

Thus, reading this amused me quite a bit:

"...and has thus gained a reputation as a 'must have' drink for the old and the younger generations."

For tonight, I've already drank 2 cups of hot Milo~ Ah, pure Milo-tic orgasm. =D

Cheers (with my empty cup of Milo),

malaysia: truly asia, i'm amused are u?, random, food for thought

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