Feb 16, 2005 22:07
hey... This might be my last post of my journal for this livejournal. I decided to start using the Greatest Journal since it had better stuff.
I'm gonna still keep my livejournal.. But i wont update here as much as the Greatest Journal.
My username is the same for the greatest journal www.greatestjournal.com/users/curlyzee/
I havent updated the new journal yet... i'm having alot of trouble gettin used to the new journal but it seems alot better!
Anyone who has Greatest Journal! LET ME KNOW! Comment on this if u have a user! feel free to add me!
Anyhoo- Valentine day was eh... It was the weirdest day at school. When i arrived at my school on Valentine day, i saw like 4 or 5 cops in the common room where everyone talk before bell rings... and when i saw the cops.. i knew something was up. So i went to my mom's office and asked her.
She said that three boys .. one is a senior age 18.. another one 15 a soph, and i think another one was a soph but not from sandburg. But the 18, 15 boys were from Sandburg and they were driving on harlem and 159th street which is 5 mins from my house. On sunday Feb 13th at 3am, the boys were working, their father owned a resturant that was open till 1 but they worked to clean up. They got in the car and drove home. The boys was exhausted from working.
So they drive on Harlem. Red lights, they stopped. now 159th was green light too but was gonna turn yellow, then red like in 1 sec! A man, young, 24 years old. A COP! He was off duty cop! He went 70mph!He was Drunk too! A FUCKING DRUNK COP! what the hell! and he went through the red light, and the boys were going north of Harlem cuz light turned green... Boys drove then the middle of the intersection, The dumbfuck cop went through and SMASHED the car with 3 boys in the car. Two died ( which was from Sandburg) one was in a critcial condition but later on died at 5 15pm on Sunday. it was sad.. One of the boy who died was in my class, and he was a nice boy. I never knew him but it was weird not seeing him in class anymore.
Now- the boys who died, they are arabics. We have like 35 arabics in my school. THEY were allll crying, mourning, screaming... It was scaring at first beacuse ALLLLL 30 of them were together like 1 big Gang or a Mob! that s why we had extra cop to be sure things go smooth with the arabics. They didnt go class at all. Every time the bell rings to go to another class.. I see them in the common room stillllll there! Not to be mean or rude .. If they wanna mourn... then why did they come to school?? If they didnt know.. then can they go home??? instead of making a big scene at school.
when the boys were killed on Sunday feb 12th, they were buried Immediately! they never took the blood out of the body. ( shudders) And i also asked my mom about the arabics group at school who was crying, why they missed classes. 1 reason was... Thier religion says that if thier friend or loved one died, they have to stay together and pray... and also for Girls who had thier Pms, they cannot pray! WEIRD!!!! lol , thier religion said for people who die has to be buried immediately. So thier s no wake, or funeral. It was sad through.. If i lost a close friend, i would prolly lose my self for a couple days till i get in control! lol
So there s a lesson for you guys who are starting to drive, Including me! that's why if your parnets r overprotective about driving, curfews.. well now i understand thier reasons. They wanna protect you from gettin killed. It was not the boys fault. it was the cop and u never know what s gonna happen to you till some nut case hits you. SO DONT DRINK!!!! AND DRIVE!!!
i'll admit that i do drink.. but if i drank, i would never friggin get in the car. I would either have mom pick me up, or stay overnight at a friends house. I know you guys hear this many many times and u get sick of it! well it s a fact and it opened my eyes big time espically around here. SO BE CAREFUL!!! I CARE!!!!
Another news- My dad's aunt just passed away on Feb 13th at 5 30pm. She was 95 years old and she had stroke. I dont really know her cuz she lives in Clevland ohio. I did meet her many times, but didn't talk that much! It s sad.. My dad is in ohio now with his mom ( my grandma) well that s all for now...
Im prolly gonna update next on the greatest journal later on.. But i need the greatest journal users first!!! lol LET ME KNOW!
muwaha! Drive safe! Gdnight