(no subject)

Apr 22, 2005 10:14

motherFUCKER someone is gonna DIE.
6th fire alarm in TWO fucking days!
5 between 12-2am yesterday
woke up to one at 945 this morning.

and of course, theyre all fucking PRanks. what did you like SET YOUR ALARMCLOCK and pencil in in your fucking calendar '945--pull fire alarm'.............motherfucker.

after we came back inside i heard from an employee 'looks like we have a runner down the back hallway'
DO YOU THINK THATS FUNNY, YOU LITTLE BITCH?!?!? pulling hte fire alarm over and over and over during FINALS?
and then you RUN AWAY? you dont even wait to bask in the glory of your DAMN STUPIDITY? take pride in your work, you little PUSSY. let us know who you are so we can come and THANK YOU PERSONALLY FOR BEING SUCH A LITTLE BITCH.

then my psychobitch RA has made us go out. each. time. inside, outside, inside, outside. in the cold. 5 flights of stairs. up and down and up and down. (btw thanks to kirk for coming to let me into lloyd all those times...)

so today she's like LEAVE YOUR KEY, JUST GET OUT! and she said they wouldnt charge me. but you know what nicole? THEY DID. the front desk can go fuck themselves too.

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