Feb 25, 2009 22:48
But since Im wiping tears from my eyes, Im going to document it.
I just had a facebook "comment conversation" with three college buddies, precipitated by one's "status" rage about banks getting huge exec raises. My friend (#2) commented "kill", which I heard in my head as Arlo Guthrie singing "Alice's Restaurant". So I posted a comment about it. Third friend caught on right away, while #1 and #2 had NO CLUE what we were going on about.
Stupid cut wont work right now.. sorry for so long..
#1 is sick of all the stories about bank execs who lay off whole departments, then take a 6 figure pay raise. Answers??
Amy : it was in their contracts. They deserve it.
#2: kill
me: Seriously, Ive heard that reasoning. Asinine. Meanwhile state employees everywhere are being forced into concessions and when they (we) make the argument that that wasnt the deal when WE signed onto the job, we are accused of being selfish and obstinate and anti everyone.
Me: (#2), you need to go sit on the other bench over there with the father-rapers.
#1: oh don't even get me started about how state/local/federal employees are the villains behind all of this. We are villified because it is so convenient. If we drive a government car to a meeting, we are called abusers. If we need supplies for our office, we are wasting taxpayer money. It makes my skin crawl when we do a job that is necessary, but we are seen as expendable ONLY because we are paid by taxpayer dollars. On the other hand, the money they put in banks is going to exec raises and bonuses, and 3 million dollar office renovations. And now, it is their taxpayer money ALSO being used for this crap. Yeah, we will always be punching bags, I have accepted that, but if these dam execs are ignored while we are villified? Kind of tells you how dumb people can be.
#2: no thanks
#3: and mother-rapers
#2: See, (#1) wants to kill too.
#1: haha i just feel like I did.
Me: he can sit with you on the bench while I prepare my 8X10 color photos
#1: you got pics? of who ? can they gain you some favor points?
#3: everyone is moving away from you on the bench
#2: I hate being benched
#3: i meant amy
Me: no, Im not on the bench!
#3: amy - do they know what we're talking about?
#2: Lets all leave the bench and go to the pub.
#1: you got pics of someone on the bench, thats all i know here
#1: oh i can deal with a pub. i have training in that
Me: I would have thought (#1) would have picked up on it...
Me: Can you get anything you want at the pub??
#3: pub sounds great. But she was referring to the arlo guthrie song, "alice's restaurant". (#2), I'm disappointed in you.
#3: if it's alice's pub you can. and i thought (#2) would have gotten it before (#1)!!
#1: oh my God, i figured that out when Amy asked "can you get anything you want...." Heard it on Thanksgiving, I don't have enough time to hear about it again, Kill KILLL KILLLLLLL then again, thats what (#2) said.
Me: too funny!
Me: now re-read the thread... Im dying laughing!
#2: Oh, shit.
#3: it's too funny. but the seriousnes of the thread needed to be lightened up.
#1: its a very sad thread. we should all be arrested and thrown in jail for it.
#2: "I want to Kill. I want to eat dead burnt bodies. I want to Kill."
Me: I wasnt trying to lighten things up.. I just saw (#2)’s "kill" and heard Arlo, and ran with it! =)
Im wiping tears from my eyes reading it again just now! then again, its past my bedtime and I worked two jobs today, maybe Im just punchy!