Aug 10, 2008 23:52
BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT. Feel better - just had to get that off my chest puplically! I HATE Judgemental people who try to conform me to their ways - it never works...always fails. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Makes me wanna fuckn MURDER - I swear! I dont judge you & I only give you advice that YOU ASK FOR! Y the Fuck anyone thinks they have a right to tell me to leave my Fiance, not talk to someone or who I should have as my friend is beyond me....cuz they DONT. I listen to ONE - GOD! I get SO sick of living in this world where peoples BRAINS & HEARTS are so NARROW! Oh - its ok for you to do what you want but I breath different air? have differnt fellings? different needs? OK - I'LL JUST GO TO fuckn PLUTO - cuz Im my own kinda kind I guess I LIVE HERE TOO - I WILL DO WHAT I WANT just as YOU! Thank you very much.
BTW - REUNION.......Apparently I have no right to be upset cuz I went away to Illinios - like it was my fucking fauklt! I was with you for 11 yrs but you choose to have the opinion I dont matter? Id like you to think back & I think you will put your ft in ur mouth. and I wasnt realy upset - I was just upset u were backing out. SO FUCKING SORRY I wanted to hang with my friend but - thats changed for the moment...Im sick of accepting everyone for who they are & not judging them or being mad at them or not talking to them for THEIR choices....NEW CHRISTA - u will get what u give...u wana SLAP me becuz of my choice....I could dish out some hard wana slaps of my own but i dont because it is your life - your choices. THANKS for makeing me mad = pretty much on purpose since I asked you to stop - why one does this is beyond me because we all know its not a good thing to release my bad side. Im refraining but it is REAL HARD so just go ahead......push the last fucking button...>SOMEONE - just go for it. Im waiting............................................................