It's been a REALLY long time

Jul 06, 2005 21:22

Yeah, so it has been a really long time since i have updated. sorry about that, althought i doubt that anyone has really missed reading my journal. :) But like chad usually says, I only update when Im on a high or a low. Usually when Im down about something. But for the first time in a long time, its the opposite. It seems like my life is finally heading in a positive direction. here's the deal:

1. I am moving to Nashville. made the decision a few weeks ago, in the process of landing a job now. Just want to get out of knoxville and kinda have a fresh start i guess.

2. Financial Freedom is within sight. which for anyone who knows me, I have been drowning in credit card debt since i was like 7, so this is a REALLY good thing.

and last but certainly not least.
3. i have met someone. He really is like the most amazing guy that i have ever met. I have not connected like this with anyone in a really long time. I mean its crazy the amount of things we have in common.... I mean stupid little things, but big stuff too. I mean he makes me happy like i really didn't know anyone could. The best part is that he is actually going to be in Nashville in the fall for school. And no before any of you make the comment that I am just moving for him, that isn't the case. I had already made this decision over a month before i met him. which makes this all seem even better. For the first time in a long time things in my life seem to be falling into place.

So there is my little update... Cherish it, because you know me, it's gonna be a million years until i do it again. :)

Oh here are a few pictures of him/us for your viewing pleasure.

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