A reminder of what our island actually looks like!

Apr 14, 2020 20:09

Not a picture today, but a song. This is my daughter's friend Ruth Keggin, who is well regarded in Celtic music circles, singing a simple song about sunrise. I am sharing it especially becuase it reminds me of just what our island looks like beyond the view from my window or the nearest supermarket.

image Click to view

My knee is a lot better today, anf I promise to resist the urge to be out the back with the strimmer for a good while - and next time I do it I will wear my knee brace.

D-d was on the local radio station today talking about how they went from everything running smoothly towards a wedding two weeks away, in almost daily steps, to no wedding with two days to go. I think it probably helped her to be able to say 'This happened. And it might not be as big as people getting really ill, but it hurt.' And for that to be acknowledged by the person interviewing her for the evening news programme.

My guess is that they called her and asked for an interview because the florist who was doing their flowers had been featured a couple of days ago talking about the effect on her business of the whole thing - and D-d's was the wedding she was doing that was caught right in the jaws of it all so she probably put them in touch.

music video, pic a day, the plague, video, d-d, music

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