Cakes and candles.

Mar 20, 2018 23:36

D-d took me out for afternoon tea on Saturday. It was a cold day, snowing on and off all day, but it didn't settle so we had no problem going across the island to the cafe at Niarbyl, which is one of her favourite places especially. This was the view from our table -

You can see it was a very wintery day - that was taken at 2.30 in the afternoon.

And this is a view of of about 3/4 of our tea -

That stand had two rounds of sandwiches (they toasted them as it was a cold day!), smoked salmon and cream cheese bites, a large slice of quiche each, a large sausage roll each (both also warm), and savoury scones with butter. You can also see two large slices of cake - on a separate plate there were also cup cakes and large sweet scones with butter, cream and jam to taste! We sat with multiple cups of tea and savoured our food all afternoon. And we still didn't eat all of it, but took some of it home for later. It was all the food either of us needed all day :)

On Sunday we were talking about Jesus as the light of the world in Sunday School. Apart from a guessing game of 'what sort of light is this?' and finishing with lighting tea lights as part of our prayers, we also made cakes into candles -

That was made from a mini chocolate swiss roll, icing, and a jelly sweet - great fun. I also made sure that there were enough of the mini rolls for everyone to eat one with their juice and still be able to take the candle cake home!

church, afternoon tea, d-d

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