Mixed bag - with illustrations!

Mar 02, 2018 19:25

We have had bitterly cold weather all week (well - bitterly cold for us - a few degrees below freezing), with high winds, but almost no snow. We began the week with wind speeds of 20-25mph, but have had wind speeds of over 50mph for the past 3 days - definitely increased the wind-chill factor!

Fashions have been interesting - for me I have been wearing leggings under my trousers, with an extra skirt on top as well when I was in the shop on Monday and knew I would have to wait for a bus. Then two pairs of socks under my boots, and a T-shirt and long sleeved top under my jumper, over my bra and camisole. Over that went a thick quilted coat, gloves, a thermal hat and a woollen scarf. I seemed to be pretty much the same as everyone else :)

However - Mum is warm and cosy in her new nursing home - I have to strip off three layers or so whenever I visit. This is the view from her bed, taken on Tuesday;

Here is a view directly out the window -

The road is not very busy, but just enough traffic to make it interesting.

She sits up in her armchair for a few hours each day, and says the food is tasty and the staff friendly and nice.

Back at our house, the robin sat still long enough for me to catch his picture the other day -

And here are three pictures I took today for photo_scavenger, where the subject is weather.

Firstly the view from M&S cafe - no, not snow, nor frosted glass - this is the effect of all the salt in the air because of the ongoing storm. The cafe is upstairs, and M&S is not on the seafront, but on the main street with quite a few buildings between it and the sea!

This is why - I took this from the shelter of a building on the land side of the promenade. An hour or so later, at high tide, they closed it completely as the whole area was too dangerous -

That is sea water on the road - it was washing over the sea wall and over the gardens and walkway between the wall and the road... That is a colour photo, by the way - it was just a grey day today.

And, finally, to give an idea of how cold it is - this fountain is in the middle of town and has remained frozen for three days now,despite the level of salt in the air -

weather, small island, mum

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