365 Project, October 5th - October 11th.

Oct 12, 2015 18:31

Here are the pictures for the last week.

Monday is my day to help at the bookshop - and when I got home I began the next knitting project - I hope enchantersnight likes this colour! (Actually they are not quite such a blue-green as they look in that...)

Tuesday was a lovely day - with a forecast of rain for Wednesday - so I went to pick blackberries.

Actually Wednesday wasn't too bad - but it had rained overnight so it was a good thing that I had been blackberrying on Tuesday. I spent the afternoon on Wednesday helping with the next stage of getting shoe box gifts to those who need them. About 8 or 9 of us gathered in the church hall, and then we set about checking each box against its customs label, making sure they all have the basics (toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, facecloth, soap...) and hopefully underwear, something warm, and something fun. Then also make sure everything fits into the box, and it has at least two elastic bands holding the lid down. Also that the age of the recipient is clearly marked and the gender indicated by a pink or blue marker on the customs form!

I got the job of wrapping a couple of boxes that hadn't been wrapped, to make them pretty, and also rewrapping one which had been wrapped in such a way that it couldn't be easily opened.

This was taken with my phone.

Thursday was 'girls' night out' - the 'girls' are 4 of us who were at school together! Really good meal, non-stop conversation, and I had a sudden urge to return to my teens and have banana fritters - which I last had about 40 years ago!

They were really, really, nice!

Friday I baked - this is the cake made with the blackberries picked on Tuesday. I posted the recipe yesterday.

Saturday - this picture was taken to post at photo_scavenger for the prompt 'text'.

And Sunday's picture is of dried fruit which had been soaking in red wine and brandy for over 24hours in preparation for D-d and I to make the Christmas cake. Which we did together last night.

The cake smells really good - and got its first feed of brandy this morning. I'll give it some more tomorrow, then wrap it and leave it for a while, just adding a little more brandy two or three times before we decorate it.

Now to go and sort out dinner - there are some sausages in the oven and they should be nearly cooked now.

christmas cake, 365, baking

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