Hee - I thought I had a meeting tonight, got right to the place, thought 'I wonder why no-one else is here? Better check the agenda,' - and sure enough, it's not until next week.
So I can sit here and watch the wonderfulness that is the second Eurovision semi-final!
::Waves to Deinin::
Iceland was sort of 'Eurotypical' - but what a rather weird looking lady the Swedes have! She's not to bad if you turn the picture off....
- The Ukrainian girl wasn't bad - but their best ever entry, Ruslana was so much better.
The Lithuanian looked like someone had crossed a LotR elf with on orc - but sounded much worse than that.
The Albanian girl wore more clothes than most - and was rather forgetable.
The Swiss entry is a long lost Swiss Italian member of Boyzone...
The Czech girl obviously did get the memo about silver dresses being more or less compulsary - the scrap value of al this silver should help pay for next year's extravaganza...
Belarus - well I guess they couldn't put the rather Latin-looking guy in a silver frock - so he is in leather trousers, which may be the male equivalent for the night - and his backing singers are in silver frocks. The song is like a Ricky Martin C-side - not even a B-side!
Oooh! Pirates! And not a silver frock in sight - not even an excess of leather! I thought they were fun - S2C was less immpressed.
Croatia seem to have a Van Morrison look alike accompanied by Frank Sinatra's 150 year old father. Sings better than Van Morrison - but that wouldn't be hard IMHO! The chorus is from Mary Hopkins 'Those Were the Days'...
Bulgaria - well that is different - and I in no way mean that as a compliment. The only good song with 'DJ' in the title is Morrissey's 'Hang the DJ'.....
Im sorry, but the Danish entry has just given me an urge to go and clean the kitchen surfaces... anything to get away.
OOh Look! Georgia seem to have Billy Idol and Spike as backing dancers - my goodness, they changed clothes under that parachute quickly!
The Hungarian entry is pretty banal tedious - although the singer's dress looks as if her lower body is being digested by a Venus Fly Trap...
Malta's song is rather jolly - and the girl singing it is very like Faith/Eliza Dushku at first sight. It would be a pretty good slaying outfit too, apart from the heels on the silver boots.
Cyprus was boring - but the Beeb then interviewed the Irish Turkey - which was one of the most fun things of the night.
Macedonia - the opening chords were quite nice, until the people opened their mouths...
And finally - Portugal - ooh, it's a heavy ballad - how unexpected /sarcasm...
Well I think I'll be forced to vote for the Pirates!
And for more insights and chat about the wonders of Eurovision do go over to
maddeinin's journal
here - with videos of the Madness that is Bosnia, and Latvian PIRATES!