Jan 13, 2004 22:19
stupid stupid survey. damnit where are the good ones?
What's your favorite snapple flavor?: i never drink snapple. i think i had a kiwi strawberry lemonade something a long time ago
What's your favorite pair of shoes?: sauconys. black and pink specifically. and my sexy heels i got in austin
What's on your mousepad?: no mousepad
Have you ever broken any bones? If so, which and how?: nope!
Do you like fruit? What's your favorite/least favorite?: i love mangos! i don't like kiwis ---->seeds
What's your favorite website?: bmezine
What color is your room painted?: virgin white. hahahahahaha
Do you prefer egg salad or chicken salad?: potato salad
Is your room clean?: define clean
When you were about 4, what was your favorite toy or thing to do?: be nekkid
What kind of mouse do you have? (optical, cordless, regular, or otherwise): cordless
Would you rather be too hot or too cold? (I'm talking temperature, people): too hot...i'll always be a texan at heart
What do you sleep in? (nightgown, birthday suit, pjs, underwear, etc.): my panties. nothing else
What is the color theme of your bathroom?: whatever penny or i last dyed our hair as
What design or picture is on your comforter/blanket on your bed?: animal print
Describe the design and location of your dream house.: a cabin in colorado or the apartment i hung out in that was johnny knoxvilles in downtown austin. PIMP (sorry, had to use the word)
If you use one for any reason, what color is your backpack?: my messenger bag used to be dark blue
What would you do with an infinite amount of money?: get bored quickly
Do you have any phobias? If so, of what?: cockroaches. and cum in my hair. TERRIFIED of that. hahaha
What is your least favorite activity?/What do you hate doing?: riding the el, drunk, alone.
What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 8528 (who cares!?)
What's the most interesting (first) name (of a person) you've ever heard?: topher for a guy.
What did you do today?: i was sick this morning. my online fafsa. work. now i'm sitting in the computer lab, because it's where the party is!
What brand of jeans do you wear?: your mom
Where is your most noticable scar?: except for all the ones surrounding my piercings? none
How many CDs do you own?: *shrug* several hundred?
Are your genetic parents alive and married to each other?: nope, never were, never will be - i'm a bastard child!!!!
What's your favorite shirt?: i do not know such things
What do you wish you had/What do you wish would happen right now?: I wish i was a little bit taller...i wish i was a baller...i wish i had a girl with the goods, i would call her....i wish i had a rabbit in a hat, with a bat...ok i'll stop.