♥ Name: Amelia! But everyone calls me Mo.
♥ Age: Eighteen.
♥ Location: Syracuse, New York. I'm totally ready for spring to get here. Ugh.
♥ Your cupcake history: Right after I was born, the first thing my mom did when she got home from the hospital was make cupcakes with me; no lie. Baking's a big thing in my family. My grandparents opened and ran a bakery for eight years, my mom worked at both that bakery and at a few other local ones, and I'm going to college to be a pastry chef. :D
♥ Why you like cupcakes: They're easier to give away than an entire cake.
♥ Cupcake photos, recipes, or other interesting cupcake-related tidbits that you found:
I figured 1-up cupcakes would be appropriate for a nerd's birthday. :D
The Companion Cube was his present. Never again will I hand-sew something like that.
The cupcakes themselves are lime flavored. I was a bit worried about the lime zest curdling the milk and making the cakes wonky, but they turned out pretty much perfect... except now I'm hooked and want another batch. I'm thinking about trying it with orange juice/zest instead of lime this time though. I'll report back.
The frosting is regular confectioners sugar frosting [for sticking and bulk] underneath marshmallow fondant. It was my first time ever either using or making fondant so I'm pretty excited that they turned out as well as they did. hahah.