Stuff, things and more things

Aug 28, 2006 19:46

So yeah. I'm totally... Not doing anything useful. Well, I've been working on learning kanji. I suppose that can count as useful. Mostly been replaying FFVIII and watching Corine play FFX. And Corine is now in Barcelona, I am jealous ;_; But anyway. We come to the point of the post.

[A is for age] 24
[B is for booze of choice] Um... red witch? Don't really have one.
[C is for career of choice] Manga-ka
[D is for your drug of choice] ...drugs are bad, m'kay?
[E is for one essential item you use everyday] Mobile
[F is for favorite song at the moment] Always All Ways (Apologies, Glances And Messed Up Chances) - Lostprophets (my favourite song changes so often. This is soooo pop-y, but... <3 )
[G is for favorite game] FFVIII
[H is for Hometown] Leeds
[I is for instruments you play] Drums
[J is for favorite juice] Hmm... apple
[K is for kids] Hell, no
[L is for last hug] ...I don't know ;_; Probably Nikki.
[M is for marriage?] Hahahahahahaha no.
[N is for nickname] Cat
[O is for number of overnight hospital stays] Two.
[P is for phobias] Spiders and dentists
[Q is for quote] Sweet fuckin' asscrackers xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[R is for biggest regret] Money related >_>
[S is for singing] Loudly and badly.
[T is for time you woke up] Three in the afternoon. Oh dear.
[U is for underwear] Black
[V is for vegetable you love] Sweet potato
[W is for worst habit] Procrastination
[X is for Favorite X-rated thing] Yaoi, yaoi and more yaoi
[Y is for yummy food you make] Cupcakes
[Z is for zodiac sign] Capricorn

Finally, a sketch request done! For darktwinkle, alternative/punky KuroxFay. I... really can't draw kissing xD Ah well.
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