In which there is judging

May 10, 2012 20:49

Baekhyun is usually in the middle of the crowd when Chanyeol does something stupid. Although it’s slightly less horrifying than actually being roped into the something stupid as has been beginning to happen more and more frequently, the bad thing about this is that Chanyeol usually makes it a point to single out Baekhyun, and Baekhyun’s powers never fail to manifest themselves, making an already embarrassing situation even worse.

This time is no exception. It’s in the middle of debate class, and suddenly, Chanyeol shows up, parading into the room. Baekhyun’s sentence cuts off halfway as his entire train of thought derails, because what-the-shit-is-Chanyeol-wearing-is-that-tin-foil?

Chanyeol spots Baekhyun and waves happily as he skips towards the front of the classroom. “Oh my God! Look Baekhyun-ah! I’ve discovered the answer to all my life’s problems!” All the while, Baekhyun is praying to someone that it isn’t true - Chanyeol isn’t running up to him dressed in only tin foil - or at least, even if that tin foil, at least he’s wearing underwear underneath.

He silently weeps when Chanyeol comes up and glomps him, hearing the tell-tale metallic crinkle. And if the thing pressing against his thigh is any indication, Chanyeol isn’t wearing any underwear either.

“See, see, Baekhyun! Foil absorbs heat! Especially tin foil! THIS MEANS SOMETHING!” Chanyeol exclaimed in front of a stunned class, most of whom probably have avoided seeing Chanyeol’s craziness because they were too absorbed in their books. Baekhyun hates all of them and wishes the ground would come up and swallow him whole or something.

“…Excuse me.”

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun blink, looking up to see a boy who was from the opposition approach them. The boy doesn’t waste a beat, immediately saying. “I’m sorry, but first of all, tin foil doesn’t absorb heat. It conducts heat. Second, I’m presuming that you think this solves some sort of problem because you’re a pyro and you can’t control some of your powers? Well honestly, tin foil isn’t strong enough to stand the heat of the fire an average pyro can generate, so honestly, you’d probably only burn yourself and end up coated painfully in molten aluminium if you did lose control.”

To Baekhyun’s absolute surprise, Chanyeol doesn’t immediately shoot this guy down with some other barrage of nonsense. Instead, he actually thinks seriously about what the guy says before nodding. “Hmm… you know, I think you’re right.”

Baekhyun’s head swivels so that he can stare at this guy properly. And his eyes widens as he recognizes that look on the other boy’s face. It’s that look of bemusement at the strange things that surrounds him, and he’s trying to figure out if the strange thing really exists of if it’s really just part of some weird imagination caused by a lack of sleep or too much study. He recognizes it because it’s the look that Baekhyun imagines to have on his face everything Chanyeol does something stupid.


“…Oh wow.” Chanyeol marvels as he stares at the scene before him, suitably impressed. “This is the first time someone is giving Baekhyun the judging stare instead of me.” He holds out his hand to the guy. “I’m Chanyeol, and you are?”

“Kyungsoo.” The guy doesn’t take Chanyeol’s hand, instead turning the judging look to Chanyeol’s hand. Although some of that might be because Baekhyun has glomped onto him so tight, he couldn’t move his hand to take Chanyeol’s.

Chanyeol whistles. “Okay. I’m going to keep you within my sight just to observe you and see if that judging look ever comes off.”

“…You’re so strange.” Kyungsoo states, and Baekhyun feels like he has finally found a kindred spirit.


Chanyeol stares in awe as Baekhyun weeps tears of joy. For a moment, he wonders if this sense of bewilderment at the strange scene before him is how Baekhyun feels whenever he does something a little bit out of the ordinary.

“…Nah.” Chanyeol shakes his head, easily distracted by another idea that pops into his head. “Oh! So if not tin foil, then maybe aluminium foil?”

Baekhyun weeps harder. Kyungsoo wonders if maybe he should have just kept his mouth shut.

[A/N: Idea of tin foil and the tin foil lines that Chanyeol spouts are courtesy of jiametrical, who also asked to be referred to “craeji capsing exo fanatic”. Idea of writing judging Kyungsoo is courtesy of Tee]


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