Well, bugger.

Apr 22, 2008 14:21

I was annoyed last night when work kept me from the gym, because missing Monday threatens to mung up my exercise schedule for the whole week.

Getting woken up at 4:21 this morning made getting a good workout today harder.

Now, I whacked my hand on the corner of a table hard enoguh that I can feel the bruise on the back of my hand in my palm, and my arm is throbbing from fingertips to elbow. I'm periodically running it under cold water for as long as I can stand, and I've taken advil, both to combat swelling. I can still move my hand, so I doubt it's broken, but making a fist is challenging. I don't think I should be doing any weightlifting with my right hand today. :(

I have a feeling this week is out to get me somehow...

ETA at 15:20: Okay, maybe it *is* broken. I'm going to drive home now and then call telehealth and see what they say.

ETAA at 16:54: At home now, and the pain seems to be receding. Even if it is broken, there's not much to be done for it.I'm going to wait a bit and then go on with my plans for the night. If it doesn't get better, I'll go see my GP tomorrow.

ow, doomed, bodyproject, medical

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